Chapter 39*

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Prompt: Santana takes Taylor ice skating for the first time.

Santana rolled her eyes and sighed as she watched Dani continuing to bundle her four-year-old daughter, the brunette mumbling through the scarf that was wrapped tightly around her mouth.

"Babe, she sounds and looks like that kid from Christmas Story." Santana chuckled as she perked an eyebrow before crossing her arms over her chest. "I think one layer was enough, she’ll be perfectly alright. I told you to dress her warm, not smother her."

"Santana, the last thing I need is for her to get a cold." Dani grumbled as she turned her attention back to Taylor, reaching out to pull the scarf down from her mouth. "Baby, do you wanna wear your pink beanie or your black beanie?"

Taylor scrunched her nose in thought before wobbling in a circle till she could successfully face Santana who pinched her lips into a line in order to hide the laugh that was bubbling in her chest at the sight of the child.

"Tana, pink or black?"

"Uh, black. It’ll look better with your jacket." Santana nodded as she looked to the red peacoat Taylor was wrapped in, the brunette nodding her head before struggling to face her mother again who carefully slipped the hat over her head. "Ready?"

"I think so." Dani frowned as she looked around her apartment for a moment before grabbing her own hat and coat, turning her attention to her daughter. "Are you sure she’s going to be warm enough? It’d be helpful to know where we’re going."

"Dani, she’ll be fine. I’m not taking her to Antarctica." Santana laughed with a shake of her head before moving towards the apartment door, opening it slowly before gesturing towards the hallway. "Come on, troops."

Dani bit her lower lip before gathering Taylor in her arms and quietly leaving the apartment, Santana trailing behind them with a beam on her face as she escorted them towards the waiting taxi.

"Tana, where are we going?" Taylor asked with a furrow of her brow as she allowed Dani to set her in the backseat before climbing in beside her, Santana squeezing her way in. "Are we going to the park?"

"Nope, not today." Santana answered as she tapped the back of the driver’s seat causing him to grumble under his breathe before pulled away from the curb. "I’m taking your mom and you somewhere special."

"Everywhere you take us is special, Tana." Taylor reminded her with a shrug as she climbed across Dani’s lap before easily falling into Santana’s, looking up at her from under the dip of her beanie. "Are we going to see Kurt and Rachel?"

"Sorry, little duck, no Kurt and Rachel today." Santana answered with an amused smile as she reached out to lift the hat from the child’s eyes. "It’s just gonna be me, you, and your mom is that cool with you?"

"Mm," Taylor frowned before nodding happily. "Yeah."

Santana chuckled in amusement as she glanced over at Dani who watched the pair with adoration written clearly across her face, the blonde woman shaking her head before turning her gaze to the window.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence as Taylor pressed herself against Santana while her face was mashed hard against the glass, her gaze flickering over the scenery that flew by as they drove through New York.

As they neared their destination, Santana laughed lightly when she felt Taylor tense slightly in her lap before the four-year-old began to bounce eagerly on her thighs as she caught sight of her and Dani’s surprise.

"Ice skating?" Taylor squealed once the taxi had came to a stop, the child reaching down to open the door before waddling out and spinning around to bounce on her toes. "Are we going ice skating, Tana?"

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