Chapter 58

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"Is this what it feels like?”

Dani hummed lightly as she felt the sleep leave her, forced out of her by the sudden voice belonging to her wife as she rolled over to see Santana sitting up against her pillows as she fiddled with her wedding band.

“What?” Dani mumbled as she yawned before crawling to rest her head on Santana’s shoulder, the younger woman flashing her a half-smile.

“I’m just…I’m sitting up thinking about Connor, about how he might need me.” Santana explained in a soft voice as she released a soft sigh. “I was just wondering if this is what your first night home with Taylor was like.”

“Yeah, it was like this only a hundred times worse.” Dani admitted with a soft chuckle as she shook her head before looking up at the woman. “It was horrible being away from her, I hated every second of it and she was only sleeping a few feet away.”

“I feel like I need to be right next to him, I feel so empty without him being in my stomach. It’s weird.” Santana confessed with a slight blush as she rested a hand on her stomach, a slow cringe flashing across her face.

“It’ll go away soon, babe.” Dani assured her with a low yawn, arching her head up slightly to brush a kiss over Santana’s pulse point before feeling her eyes grow heavy. “We should probably get some sleep.”

Santana sighed lightly as she glanced down at her wife who had easily fallen into a much needed rest, the blonde smacking her lips slightly causing the younger woman to smile lovingly as she brushed her hand down the length of Dani’s back.

As Santana was settling, a small noise echoed from the nearby baby monitor and the woman froze slightly before flashing a quick look to Dani and breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the blonde was still sleeping.

Carefully freeing herself, Santana reached out to turn down the baby monitor before tip-toeing out of the bedroom, her feet carrying her down the hallway to where she could hear the sounds of her son grunting and whining.

Slipping into the sports themed nursery, Santana hurried towards the crib and felt her breath catch as she looked over the edge to stare at her brand new baby boy, his dark brown eyes staring back at her.

“Hey, little man.” Santana whispered as she ducked her arms into the crib, gently lifting the baby into her arms as she smiled at him with pure adoration in her gaze. “What are you doing up so late?”

Connor squirmed in his mother’s arms as Santana hummed lightly before making her way towards the rocking chair, her body settling against the white wood as she cradled Connor in one arm while pulling her tank top down with the other.

It didn’t take long for the newborn to clamp down on his meal, Santana staring down at the infant with awe in her gaze as she watched him feed, his eyes fluttering slightly while he gently opened and closed his fist.

“You’re so beautiful, mijo.” Santana breathed out, her voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t think I could love somebody as much as I love your mom and sister, but I guess I was wrong. Looking at you, knowing that you’re mine, it’s a love I never thought I’d have.”

Dani had been right when she had explained to Santana who different it was going to be once the younger Latina had the little boy in her arms, the blonde had tired to explain how the connection she was going to feel to their son would differ from their daughter.

But now, watching her son with careful eyes, Santana was starting to see the difference; the love that she felt for Connor was indescribable, it amazed her that this little thing had come out of her.

Dantana DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now