Chapter 32

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Prompt: Sam meets Dani and forms a little bit of a crush on her. Santana doesn't like it.

Sam Evans sighed as he glanced down at his phone, his thumbs knocking quickly at the screen as he texted back and forth with Quinn who had asked him to come up to visit her once he was done messing around in New York.

Frowning, the senior finished sending the text message before going back to his game of Angry Birds as he hurried towards the loft where everyone was waiting for him so they could begin their farewell dinner.

Sam fist pumped slightly as he finished his latest level before he felt his body collide with another, his phone flying to the side and a guitar hitting the pavement followed by a spray of music sheets.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!” A blonde woman gasped as she stood before Sam, both watching as their contents settled on the dirty concrete below them. “You’ll have to excuse me, I’m kind of a klutz.”

Sam felt his eyes widen slightly as he took in the woman standing before him, her brow furrowed slightly as she leaned down to begin to collect the things that had fallen from her arms, her cheeks lit up in a pink blush.

"Uh, it’s cool." Sam nodded as he blinked a few times before crouching down to help her, flashing her a lopsided smile as he handed her a guitar pick which she took with a grateful expression. "I probably should have been paying attention."

"Yeah, what kind of guy walks around with his face glued to his cell phone screen? God, you’re such an asshole.” The blonde chirped in a playful voice as she grabbed her guitar while Sam busied himself with picking up her music sheets.

"I know, right?" Sam smirked causing the other woman to laugh lightly as they both stood, the senior clearing his throat as he offered the music sheets to her and watched her take them with a glowing smile. "I’m Sam, by the way."


"Well, it’s really nice to meet you, Dani." Sam replied as he swept an arm across his stomach before giving a playful bow basking in the soft giggle that Dani gave. "Would the lady mind if I walked her to her destination?"

"I guess you can walk me to the building, if it’s not too much trouble." Dani shrugged with a small grin before Sam beamed her way and offered his arm to the woman, the blonde grinning lightly as she accepted the limb.

The pair walked into the building, skipping up the stairs in silence before Dani pulled Sam to a stop in front of the loft causing him to quirk an eyebrow in confusion before gaping slightly as she knocked against the metal lightly.

Tilting his head, Sam felt a whoosh of something in his stomach as the door slid open and Santana stood there with a bright smile on her face before her arms were full of Dani and their lips were pressed together.

For a moment, he felt his stomach turn as he continued to stare at the pair who seem more involved with each other than anything else in the world; and just like that, Sam knew he had somewhat fallen for another one of Santana’s girls.

"Hey, Lady Lips," Santana muttered over Dani’s shoulder, the blonde shooting a quick glance his way as she quirked an eyebrow in surprise. "I see that you’ve already had the amazing opportunity of meeting my beautiful girlfriend. Lucky you."

"Yep, he knocked me down because he was being an asshole and typing away at his phone. What a jerk, right?" Dani teased as she winked at Sam, the senior feeling his cheeks flush as he ducked his head before chuckling softly.

Glancing up, he watched as Dani brushed past Santana before being tackled in a hug by Rachel while Santana lingered at the doorway with her eyes narrowed as she silently stepped aside to allow him entrance to the loft.

"Hey, Sam." Blaine chirped from the piano where Kurt was perched beside him, both men looking up at him with bright smiles. "So, how did the meeting go? Are you on your way to being the next male model?"

"Not quite." Sam sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his bottle dyed hair slightly as he frowned. "She said that I should lose ten pound, and then consider doing another photo shoot and then we’re going to set up another meeting."

"Ten pounds?" Rachel repeated as she untangled herself from Dani, the blonde woman smiling up at Santana as the younger Latina moved towards her with her eyes still locked on Sam. "I think that’s a little much, don’t you?"

"Not really." Sam muttered as he lifted his shirt, glancing down at his abs before looking to Dani who was paying more attention to Santana then his shirtless stomach. "What do you guys think?"

"I think you look perfect just the way you are, Samuel." Rachel shrugged as she moved towards the kitchen, poking her head around the corner. "I’m going to crack open a bottle of wine. Dani, do you mind helping?"

The blonde released Santana’s waist and skipped off to help Rachel leaving Santana to close the distance between herself and Sam, the senior’s eyes widening when he caught sight of the famous Snix peeking through brown eyes.

Yelping, Sam found himself being dragged across the loft before the door was slid open and he was thrown outside, his back bouncing off the opposite wall before he glanced up to find Santana was standing a mere inch away from him.

"Stay the hell away from her." Santana growled as she reached out to poke him in the chest causing him to wince slightly. "You’ve known her a total of ten minutes and you’re already staring at her with those porno eyes of yours."

"I don’t…"

"Don’t play stupid with me, Trouty Mouth. This isn’t some complex math equation, alright? Dani is a lesbian, my lesbian.” Santana hissed. “If I catch your pathetic eyes staring at her again, I’m going to rip them from their sockets.”

"I think you’re being a tad dramatic about all of this, Santana." Sam grumbled as he rubbed at his chest, his peck aching slightly from Santana’s hard poke. "Yeah, she’s hot and I’d totally be all over her if she was interested in dudes, but she’s not."

"Exactly." Santana snarled, her voice lowering slightly before she inched just a little bit closer to the blonde causing his eyebrows to rise slightly in fear. "I’m serious, Sam. I want you to stay away from her."

"She’s a cool chick!" Sam exclaimed as he threw his hands up causing Santana to step back slightly to avoid his waving limbs. "I don’t understand why I can’t be friends with her. There’s no harm in that, right?"

"Oh yeah, because friendship is something you’re so good at.” Santana sneered with a roll of her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. “If I remember correctly, you were just friends with Brittany at first too.”

"Brittany has nothing to do with any of this." Sam sighed as he looked away from the Latina, blushing lightly. "You know that I didn’t go after Brittany until the two of you had broken up for good."

"Whatever, Sam. I couldn't care less about what happened between you and Brittany, I’ve moved on from that." Santana assured him as she stepped back slightly. "Dani is different though. Stay away from her."

Santana shot him one last look of warning causing him to sigh heavily as he watched her vanish back into the loft, the blonde senior allowing his head to fall back against the wall as he stared up at the ceiling.

"I really do suck in the love department."

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