Chapter 10

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Prompt: Dani and Santana fluff.

Since the day they got married, he’d been praying for a little baby boy

Someone he could fishing, throw the football and be his pride and joy

He could already see him holding that trophy, taking his team to state

But when the nurse came in with a little pink blanket

All those big dreams changed

"It’s going to be a boy."

Maribel Lopez looked up at her husband who was nervously pacing the length of the hospital room, the young woman waiting patiently in her hospital bed for another set of contractions as she rubbed her swollen abdomen; it had been almost two hours and there was still no progress on the baby she was supposed to be delivering.

"And what makes you so sure?" Maribel asked with a curious expression as Cruz Lopez finally stopped moving throughout the room, the man flashing her a half-smile as he hurried to stand beside her.

"I just…I’ve been praying, Bells." Cruz confessed as he flashed her his famous lopsided grin, his deep dimples appearing. "I want a little boy whose gonna carry on the Lopez men legend. You know what I mean?"

Maribel giggled lightly as Cruz took a seat beside her and grabbed a hold of her hand before bringing it to his lips to kiss it, “And what if I have a girl? Are you saying that she won’t be able to carry on the Lopez legend?”

"That’s not what I’m saying," Cruz argued with a shake of his head as he pressed yet another peck to her hand before feeling as her limb tightened around his. "Another contraction?"

"Ah!" Maribel squealed, her eyes squeezing shut as she quickly glanced to her husband who looked at her with worry in his gaze as she gritted her teeth slightly. "Cruz, you need to get the doctor. I think there’s something wrong."

Cruz Lopez could only count a handful of times when he had felt his heart beat heavily in his chest, he could only recount just a few moments when fear had overtaken him and he had been left breathless; and as his wife was whisked away to surgery, he knew that this was one of those moments.

Soon, the man joined the rest of his family in the waiting room where he started back up with his nervous pacing. He must’ve cleared the room a good thousand times before a nurse finally came to retrieve him, Cruz not hesitating to hurry after the woman as he barely spared the rest of his waiting family and friends a glance.

"Hey, baby." Cruz whispered as he entered Maribel’s hospital room, the man flinging himself to the side of her bed as he leaned down to brush a kiss over her sweaty forehead. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

"I am now." Maribel replied with a light smile as her eyes fluttered shut, the man chuckling at her kind words before leaning down to press a loving kiss to her chapped lips. "Cruz, there’s something I need to tell you…"

Before Maribel could open her mouth, a nurse came into the room with a wad of pink blankets and Cruz felt a lump grow in his throat as a warm, little body was settled in his arms before tears began to leak down his face as he stared at the tiny, pink face staring back at him with wispy black hair upon the child’s head.

"Congratulations, it’s a baby girl." The nurse beamed as she watched the way Cruz cradled the baby, his brown eyes filing with tears once more as he began to rock his body slightly to soothe the cooing girl in his arms.

"Mi dios," Cruz muttered causing Maribel to glance to him with a concerned expression, fearing he was going to be disappointed by his gift of a daughter. "Bells, she’s gorgeous. She looks just like you."

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