Chapter 5

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Prompt: Santana and Dani's daughter.

Adrianna Leann Lopez was a spitting image of her mama Santana, much like her brother was the spitting image of their mommy Dani; she was identical to the dark-haired woman in the looks department from the flowing raven colored locks to the mischievous brown eyes that held secrets of adventures.

Her striking personality held a strong resemblance to her dark-haired mother as well, especially with the way that Adrianna seemed to feed from the attention and excitement that others gave her. She loved to make people laugh and smile, and she loved whenever the spotlight was on her so she could shine and show off.

But on this particular day, the spotlight didn't seem to be shining on the three-year-old little girl as she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, her lower lip puckering as she watched her six-year-old brother soak up the attention their mommy's manager, Steve, was giving him as they played a card game.

Both her mothers were in the studio running through their duet for Dani's upcoming tour and both Lopez children had been roped into joining their mothers, and when they had arrived at the dance studio they had been informed that Steve was going to play with them while their mothers worked.

"Steve, I spill juice." Adrianna complained as she glanced down at her frilly pink skirt that was now stained with a puddle of purple, her brown eyes glancing towards her mommy's manager who flashed her a quick glance.

"Your moms packed you an extra outfit, it's right over there in the bag." Steve replied as he gestured to the side of the room where Dani had dropped off a pink duffel bag with things to entertain Adrianna.

"Otay." Adrianna shrugged as she moved towards the bag, unzipping it and digging through the contents as she huffed and furrowed her brow once she had realized that the bag didn't hold what she was looking for. "There no skirt."

Steve flashed her a look and gave a quick shrug before turning his attention back to the card game causing the three-year-old to release a frustrated sigh before she stripped herself free of her pink skirt and tossed it aside, stomping out of the room in her musical decorated panties with a scowl that rivaled Santana's.

The toddler hurried out of the little office room and scurried through the hallways, ducking into each room she could find till she heard the familiar sound of 'Neon Lights' playing and she hurried to where she could just make out the sound of someone calling out numbers to lead the steps.

Peeking her head into the room, Adrianna sighed in relief as she caught sight of her mothers who stood in the center of the room with their hands on their hips as they panted and spoke quietly amongst themselves while the rest of the back-up dancers worked through a new routine on the side.

"Mama!" Adrianna called in a stage whisper, frowning when neither Dani or Santana turned to look at her and she growled before stepping fully into the room ignoring the looks that were cast her way as she stomped her foot. "Mommy!"

A soft laugh began to echo through the room as people took notice to Adrianna standing at the entrance of the room, Dani and Santana whirling around to face their daughter and both feeling their jaws drop as the back-up dancers and instructors snorted in amusement and subtly attempted to hide their laughs.

"Nice underwear."

"They're kinda cute."

"Yeah, if you like musical notes."

Adrianna noticed the laughter and couldn't fight the smile that appeared on her face as she began to perform for the people watching her, the little dark-haired toddler dancing along to the sound of her mothers' voices as she bounced along the wooden floor before whirling around to shake her butt.

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