Chapter 22

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Prompt: Dani spends a night alone with Oliver.

Santana Lopez sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose for a long moment before allowing her hand to drop back down to rest against the cool keys of the piano, the dark-haired woman pressing down a few times before groaning in frustration.

Chewing at her lower lip for a moment, Santana silently debated with herself for a long moment before reaching up to the piano top and grabbing her cell phone, easily scrolling through her contact before pressing down on one.

The cell echoed with a ring before Santana put it on speaker and went back to pressing against the keys of the piano listening to the soft sounds that filled the small room before a raspy hello greeted her.

"Hey, babe." Santana smiled as she dropped her hands away from the keys, leaning forward slightly. "I just called to let you know I'm not going to be able to make dinner with you and Ollie tonight, I'm still writing."

"Oh, okay."

"You know I'd come home if I could, D. I just...I need to write this last song and then I'm officially done with my album." Santana assured the woman, Dani releasing a breath of frustration. "Babe?"

"I know, San. I know you have to write and stuff, but I miss you. I mean, this is the third dinner I've made you that you've missed and not to mention your two-year-old son is missing his mama terribly as of lately."

"Dani, don't do that." Santana whined as she rubbed a hand over her tired eyes. "I'm just stuck on this last verse, and once I've finished it then I turn it into my producer and then we'll be good to go."

Santana frowned as she heard a quick rustling before a loud laugh filled the phone causing her eyes to water slightly as she identified it as her two-year-old son, Dani's giggles causing her heart to ache.

"Mama, come home!"

"I'll be home super soon, buddy." Santana assured the little boy, wincing as she heard his familiar whine before the phone rustled again and Dani's voice greeted her. "He's really upset about me not being home, isn't he?"

"Of course he is, San. Come home as soon as possible, okay? Oliver misses his mama and I miss my wife. Now, if you'll excuse me, your son is now trying to climb into the washing machine and play with the bubbles."

Santana chuckled as she traded a soft goodbye with her wife before huffing under her breath and narrowing her eyes at the piano keys before setting her fingers against the keys and allowing herself to get lost in the music.

She was determined to get this last verse out, she needed to get it done because she needed to be with her family; smiling lightly, Santana breathed a sigh of relief as a sudden thought came to her mind.


"Oh my God, buddy..." Dani breathed out in shock as she looked around her son's bedroom, the two-year-old sitting in the center of it with a pile of clothes surrounding him. "What in the world did you do?"

"I like Buzz jammies!" Oliver explained as he held up a pair of Buzz Lightyear pajamas, his blonde locks ruffled as a pair of Starwars underwear fell off his head. "I wanna wear Buzz jammies, Mommy."

"I hope you realize that your mama is going to have your head when she sees the mess you made, bud." Dani chuckled as she stepped over a pile of toys, leaning over to scoop the toddler into her arms.

"Jammies?" Oliver frowned.

Dani shook her head at the child as she exited the bedroom to move into the dining room, "No, first we're going to have dinner and then mommy will give you a bath and then we'll put on your Buzz jammies."

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