Part 1: Anniversary

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A/N: Hey guys! I will try my best to write the 2nd Book as well as the first one. But, if it turns out bad, please do keep on supporting me. As usual, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors (for those who want to help me edit the story do PM me). Enjoy your reading and don't forget to leave any comments and click the star button. Love ya. TQ:)))


[Peter POV]

"Yes, Hon. What's up?" I asked the person on the next line.

"Babe..." His voice sounds wavered.

Bad feeling began to lump inside my chest. "What is it, Hon?" I made some courage to ask him.

"We didn't get her."

"What do you mean that we didn't get her?" I asked for confirmation.

There's a hard sigh can be heard from him before he answered my question. "Our application to adopt Frey was disapproved. We can't adopt her."

I was left with no word to utter. It was a bad news. God knows how I have loved this girl so much, that I even had a dream of her last night. But why this is happening? Why we can't have her?

"Babe? Are you there? Are you alright?" Asked Sean. He sounds worried.

"I'm not okay, Sean. We need to do something about this. We can't just let Frey being adopted by someone else. You know right how much I love her." There's a tightness in my chest. It felt like I'm going to burst out tears in a moment.

"Hey... hey... I know babe. I know you love her so much. So do I. But, there's nothing we can do about it. The decision is in their hands. I'm sorry...that we lost her."


After graduating from the California University, I ended up got hired to work with a big firm that located in the heart of the California city as a lawyer. And it's been 3year since I was officially become the staff of the Edderson&Co. firm. The best part is, I got this job together with Heather. My best friend forever. I guessed, we never were apart from one another until the end of our life. That's good though, at least I got someone that I can turn to.

What about me and Sean? We are still good and perhaps we are getting along much better day by day. Sean still remains as pervy old man and I still the cold hearted bastard. Hahaha. We remained the same as before. Somehow, during my 25th birthday, I have made a decision to adopt a kid, which is the news that Sean had been waiting for to hear from me ages ago. I knew he had always ready to raise a kid, but it was me who kept on being hesitant about it. It was because I afraid that I can't be a good father to the kid, afraid that I could not take good care of him so well. But, god knows when I finally made the big decision. And the most happiest person to hear about this decision that I made was Sean. Nothing that can make me happy other than to see him happy.

We went to an orphanage home, that was suggested by Sean's friend that happened to successfully adopt a boy from the same home. Even though they were a gay couple. So, we concluded that we also have a high possibility to get our application for adoption being accepted. For the first time, we arrived at the orphanage home, my eyes had already caught a little girl that just learned how to walk properly; her age was around a year I assumed. She is the most adorable little creature that I've ever seen and the moment she looked at me with her ocean blue, round eyes...that was the moment my heart fall for her. She even reached out her little hand towards me when I neared her and then, I hold into it gently. Then, her small lips curved into a smile of warmth. From that day, I promised to myself that I will make her as my daughter and I will love her and protect her more than my own self.

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