Part 26: Just the truth

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A/N This new part is kind of heartbreaking. I didn't know who to be blame at or whether the one at fault is really wrong. So, I will just leave it to the readers to judge the story. Above all, I really love to read all of your comments... some inspire me and some make me realize my mistake, which is good 😊👍
Thanks, for being with AM until now. ❤️❤️❤️

And for those who haven't read the first book of Accidental Marriage, please check it on my profile page. And, as for 2nd book, I will try my best to write as good as the first one. But, if it turns out bad, please do keep on supporting me. As usual, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Enjoy your reading and don't forget to leave any comments and click the star button. Love ya. TQ:)))
[Peter POV]

"Yes, I do love him... but, not more than just a friend. I have Anna now, and she is the only one that I love dearly now. Same as Sean... he loves you as much as I love Anna."

"Why you need to lie to me, Nick? Just now you said that... you'll get back with him if you don't have Anna and Sean doesn't have me. But now, you said that you only love him just as a friend... which is which, Nick! Can't you just be honest with me?!"

"Why you do this, Peter? Why're you torturing yourself like this? You know by asking such questions will just end up hurt you..."

I was smirking, just pretending that I wasn't as weak as he thinks. I wanted to make him believe that the person that was standing in front of him now, can still form a smile and can still stand before him without staggering... even, his happiness had been robbed by him.

"My life had already shattered the moment Sean told me that he had cheated on me. From that day on, the pain never stops... and, I think I've already got used to that feeling. I bet that I'm feeling nothing at all now. So, you better tell me the truth, Nick... don't try to act nice by thinking that lies can make me feel better. You better don't do that."

He seemed affected by the words I said just now. His eyes rounded and stupefied.

You better eat that sh*t bi-ACH!!

"Look, Pete... I know that I cannot live long, I'm dying, Pete. Perhaps, the next time you come back here... I'm no longer alive. What I wanna say is, I know it is impossible for you to forgive me and I won't ask that from you... so, for the last time... I need you to tell me what to do... what can I do to fix all of these? To make you forgive Sean... to make you get back with him. Please, at least tell me how can I make things right again."

"I think you can start by telling me everything that had happened on that night. And please be honest with me... I want to know what really happened."

"B-but, Pete...-

I cut his words because I accepted no excuses. I only need the truth. "Start by telling me how you guys ended up drinking together?"

Before he began the story, he puffed hardly into the thin air. "Okay, fine. If that's what you want, I will tell everything to you. I remember that day was my birthday, so I invited Sean to have a lunch with me. He refused to go, at first. But, when I mentioned that it was my birthday... spontaneous, he said, 'Is it today, 25th April?'. Seriously, I was surprised to know that he still remembers the date for my birthday even after years. Because of that, he changed his mind and agreed to treat me to a lunch. We just went to the nearest cafe. And then, on our way back to the office, we bumped into Anna. And, Sean might realize that we were having quite a serious talk, so he excused himself first.  Anna came to find me because she can't accept the fact that I've broken up with her and she insisted to get back with me- 

He sneered.

-I don't know what kind of game that god had played on me... because I kept losing everyone that I loved. Firstly, it was my dad... after that, Sean... and then, Anna. Ironically, I had to leave Anna because of the same reason with Sean. Last time, it was my mother who suffered from this illness and now, it's me." Again, he scoffed into the air.

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