Chapter 5- Beautiful Dreams

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Clarke Griffin POV -Talia is still unconscious

We all rushed over to where Jasper and Octavia lay on the rocks, Octavia with a large gash on her leg. "You're gonna be okay." I muttered to Octavia as she hugged Jasper and kept telling him thank you over and over again.

"Note to self; Next to save the girl." Monty patted Jasper on the back as the trio chuckled to themselves. Monty Carefully placed Talia on the ground making, once making sure she would be comfortable in that position, he came back over to us.

We had found a vine, strong enough to take us the water and not drop us. Finn was going to go first holding Talia as she wouldn't be able to make it across on her own, even if she was awake. "You wanted to go first," I told Finn "Now quit stalling. Mount Weather awaits." I had to yell for him to hear."Today Finn."

I could see each of the boys talk to each other before Jasper grabbed the vine and Talia, Jasper took off on the vine, Lifting his legs up to balance Talia better. "We are the kings!" Jasper screamed across after we all scrambled to see if they was both okay.

"WOOOO!" Everyone raised their hands in the air.

"Lets go princess" Finn took me to the vine. "You're up."

"C'mon, Clarke! You got this!" Jasper screamed to me from the other side of the lake, "We are the Kings!" I was to busy staring at the vine to realise that Jasper picked up a sign saying Mount Weather. "We made it!" Suddenly an arrow pierced through the air and planted itself in Jaspers chest. I stared intently to make sure Jasper was okay and to make sure Talia wasn't hit, after all since landing she has gotten injured twice. Finn pulled me behind a rock while I was screaming "Jasper."

"We're not alone." I said scared and panicking.

Talia POV

"Urgh," I muttered, noticing I was moving and it was making my leg and wrist hurt more. I looked down, seeing someones back, and Jasper being dragged, he had fainted. Suddenly my eyelids was too heavy again and I couldn't keep them open, I had fallen into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up tied to a tree, near Jasper, I could hear Jasper was awake, I opened my eyes, squinting through the bright light, "Jasper?" He turned his head towards me, "Where are we?"

"I don't know." Then I fell asleep.

Bellamy Blake POV

I could hear the 'Chancellor' talking with someone who wanted the clothes, "we share based on need just like back home." Wells told him.

"You still don't get it do you Chancellor?" I walked out of the dropship a girl following me, she kissed me quickly then walked off, "This is home now, your fathers rules no longer apply," Atom grabbed the clothes, "Whoa Atom, you want it back, take it."

"Is this what you want?" Wells chucked the clothes on the ground and everyone rand towards them like scavengers.

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" I put my shirt back on, realising the commotion that's going on, everyone started walking down, towards the fire.

"Bellamy check it out," Murphy held a girl close to the fire. "We want the ark think that the ground is killing us, right? Figured it would look better if we suffered a little first." Wells shoot towards them, shoving Murphy and the girl away from the fire.

"You can stop this." Wells told me.

"Stop this?" I walked closer "I'm just getting started." Murphy suddenly punched Wells in the face, then they got in a full fight, the crowd around them kept chanting 'fight', Wells almost won, but he was stupid enough to walk away.

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