Chapter 37- Candy of Isle

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Talia King's POV

We had drove up to Mount Weather in the rover, Raven taught me the controls while she was driving, so I could drive it soon. We all climbed out of the rover. The sight of Mount weather sickened me, my breaths started coming in ragged gasps, as flashbacks started. A body lying on the table, blood dripping into a bandage. Me screaming as a drill entered me. I subconsciously clutched at my leg.

"I knew I should have taken my horse." Octavia spoke, climbing out of the rover.

"You don't have to be here." Bellamy looked down at me, concerned, as I removed my hand from my leg, fingers grazing over my scar lightly.

"I need to be here." I walk forward as another flash over memories happened, making me stop right outside the entrance.

"For the past and future we serve." Dante spoke, raising a glass.
"We give thanks." The crowd chanted, as though it was a litany.
"Good health, good food and good company. And the blessing of new friends." Dante fake bumped his glass in the air.
"We give thanks." The crowd echoed.
"He was damn right about good food." I turned to Monty, unknowing of what was to come.

I gasped, it was as if I hadn't breathed for a whole minute.

Bellamy rested a hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I have to." I muttered before walking inside the Mountain.

"I just hopped on a robotic arm and aimed it at the solar array." Raven told Gina, entering the Mountain a fair bit behind me. "The whole time I was out there, the control room thought I was just fixing a loose wire."

"That is, in fact the definition of going rogue. You dangled yourself within inches of an electrified array hat that could've killed you." Gina told her, clearly exasperated.

"Only time I ever heard Sinclair lose his cool on comms." Raven chuckled, thinking back to the memory. Hers were complete contrasts to mine, even on the Ark.

"So how long was you benched?" I called back to Raven, pretending I'm fine.

"Benched? I got the job done in record time. He promoted me." I looked confused at Raven's words. "What can I say? Sinclair thinks I can do no wrong."

We entered the dining room, making me stop as a tidal wave of memories hit me, flooding my mind, making me not notice anything, including the words being spoken.

I felt a hand on my back, pushing me forward, but I was to busy, in a world full of real dreams to notice who it was.

"You going to come with?" Gina asked, stopping the memories from fully taken a hold.

I nodded my head viciously as if trying to get something out of it.

"Come on then." She grinned, not understanding my problem fully with this place, "You don't have to be in here, you can go outside, climb trees, or whatever."

"Why the hell are they calling us off? I've got tripped circuits all over the grid." Raven said, as Gina and I walked over to her.

"Oh, whatever it is, supersedes fixing the power problem." Sinclair told her.

"I'm gonna go walk around." I told Gina, needing to leave. Gina nodded, and I turned and walked out the door. I walked to the exit and left.

A rag was pressed over my mouth and nose, my hands clawing at their arm. "Make any noise," they spoke. "And I'll kill you."

I was dragged away, and into the trees surrounding Mount Weather. Slowly, black dots filled my vision and I slumped. Just before I lost consciousness I saw him. Carl Emerson.

A/N sorry for not updating, I just don't like season 3, that's why I didn't update. The next chapter will be on season 3 episode 12, Aka Demons.

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