Chapter 38- Dishonor of Ancients

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Talia Kings POV

The last days have been a blur. Carl Emerson had kidnapped me, but I couldn't escape, no matter how hard I tried it was impossible, I wished that my friends would come and save me, but I knew that wasn't possible, they might not have even known I was gone. Emerson wouldn't stop telling me about how he was going to kill me, in front of my friends, I think that's the only reason why I am alive.

He dragged me out and to Arkadia, I noticed it was empty, no one here would save me. He took me to an air lock, and trapped me in there. I started to feel dizzy, Emerson hadn't given me much food, he kept it to the minimum, I knew that was why I was feeling dizzy. A few seconds felt like hours, and soon Harper, Miller and Bryan was with me in the air lock.

"We thought you was dead!" Harper almost yelled.

"We soon wi-" Emerson cut me off by sticking duct tape on my mouth, effectively cutting off my warning. I tried to continue explaining but it wasn't possible.

Emerson noticed that Harper understood what I meant and stuck some more duct tape around her mouth. By the time he had taped all of our mouths shut he had ran out of tape.

"I'll be back." He sneered, spitting at my face.

Later he was back, but this time with Octavia and Jasper, both limp in his arms. He stuck some sort of cloth around their mouths, so they couldn't speak, then tied them up, attaching them to the side of the air lock.

Shortly after they woke up Monty and Raven ended up in here, in the same position as the rest of us.

"Emerson, I know you're here. We need to talk." Clarke spoke over the radio to him, I hadn't even realised he was holding a radio.

"I don't need to do anything. You should've killed me when you had the chance." Emerson glanced over at me, thinking of the most painful way to kill me.

"And now you're here to kill me, is that it?" Clarke spoke, making my eyes dart over to the radio, if only I could get to it, I could tell her where we are.

"Something like that."

"Then let my friends go. Do that and you can have me."

"You're brave Clarke. I'll give you that. They're lucky to have a friend like you. Come to the airlock, no weapons. Right now."

I shook my head, realising that he was going to kill her as well as us.

Soon Clarke appeared, holding her hands in the air, cautiously stepping closer, "I held out my part of the deal. Your turn. Let my friends go."

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first." Emerson instructed, somehow knowing he was there, before I did.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Clarke lied, but Emerson saw through it. He rose two knifes, and held one to Octavias throat and the other against mine.

"No!" Bellamy yelled, appearing, gun in his hand, stepping closer to the airlock.

"Ok, now. Take out the clip and throw it down the hall." Emerson ordered, still holding the knifes to our throats. "Put the gun on the ground and get inside."

I leant away from the knife, making him lean closer to me, causing the knife to go further from Octavias throat. When Emerson realised that his knife was no longer against either of our throats, so he used the hand that was pushing the blade against Octavia's throat and pulled my hair, keeping me in place to keep the knife against my neck.

"Please." Clarke begged. "You wanted me. I'll get inside once you let them go."

"I was talking to Bellamy." Emerson cut into my neck, the blade slicing the delicate flesh of my throat. I could feel the sticky liquid pooling in my neck as he slowly pressed the knife deeper.

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