Chapter 27-Radio Ring

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Talia Kings POV

We was inside the dorm, I was lying on Clarkes bunk, reading a book, it was called Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, according to Maya it was apart of a series, it was really good! Clarke was drawing a map of Mount Weather, occasionally asking me if I had seen any other corridors for her to add on. The answer was always no.

"It's not bad. Maybe they'll hang it on the walls here one day." Jasper walked up to us, peering down at the drawing.

"Miller!" A delinquent yelled.

"Look who finally got released." Jasper teased.

"Hey." Miller said.

"Miller! Whats up?" I jumped off the bunk giving him a high five.

"Miller. I'm glad you're ok." Clarke told him.

"Yeah. Only took, what. 3 surgeries?" Miller glanced at Maya. "I hear you're fitting right in."

Clarke looked at Maya, making her speak, most likely feeling uncomfortable. "Twice a day. Don't forget. You'll be ok in a few days. Here." Maya handed him the medicine "Make sure he takes it?" Maya looked at me. I nodded

"Thanks." Miller smiled at her.

"Maya, top of the morning..." Jasper said to her, realising how stupid he sounded he recovered. "Is a very dumb thing to say that I saw in a old movie."

"Nice save." I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Hey. You going to breakfast?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah. You want to go together?" Maya asked.

"Sure, yeah. I-I'd love t-" Jasper was thankfully cut off by a blaring alarm that hurt my ears making me clutch at them and everyone else to look up. But at least Jaspers failed failed attempts at agreeing to hang out with Maya.

"Um, save me a seat, ok?" Maya walked off, pausing to throw a "Sorry." over her shoulder.

Clarke jumped in Maya's way. "Hey. What's going on."

"That signal means the surface patrol is back and someone needs medical attention." Maya looked to me, "I have to go to quarantine."

"Hey, Clarke. What are you doing?" Jasper came over.

"Maybe they found survivors. If our people are hurt, we have a right to know." Clarke said before taking off after Maya.

Jasper looked over at me, "Someone's got to keep her out of trouble, huh." I sighed, and Jasper nodded, "Let me guess, that someone is me." I ran off after Clarke, my shoes hitting the floor, skidding slightly.

"I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just go w-wandering around." I heard Jasper say before he sighed and ran along with me.

We made it to where they was putting on suits. "What are we dealing with?" Maya asked a man, who was doing his blue suit up.

"They were attacked. One dead. He's in room two. The other took off his gloves and mask to treat him. He's still in decon, but he'll need treatment as soon as he's processed through."

"Who attacked them? Clarke asked, waiting a few seconds before swiping a guards keycard off his shirt.

"What are they doing here? Hey, stop It's not safe!" The man ordered.

"It is for us." She ushered me through the door. "Let's go Jasper."

"Someone's got to keep her out of trouble." Jasper quoted me.

We all ran down to the T junction, Jasper yelling "Clarke slow down!" Sighing as Clarke pushed open a door, "Stop pushing so hard. These people are..."

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