Chapter 16-Savior of Kiss

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Talia Kings POV

I woke up in the dropship, I looked around to see Bellamy stroking my hand and Monty staring at me. I yanked my hand out of Bellamys grasp, "What are you doing here?" My question was directed at both of them, and they knew it.

"I had to make sure you was safe." Monty smiled and I reached towards a glass of water and Monty noticed and handed it to me.

"I needed to look after you, I know you hate me right now, but that doesn't mean I will stop caring about you." Bellamy looked at me, I could practically see his emotions, swirling around in his eyes, I then decided I would have to forgive but never forget.

"Monty could you give us a minute," I looked up at him. "Please?"

Monty nodded then left, his footsteps echoing around, Bellamy looked at me curiously.

"Bellamy," I paused to take a deep breath, "there is nothing I can say, but I am sorry, for being mad at you for all this time."

Bellamy smiled down at me, "It's not your fault. It's mine, I shoved you, and you got injured, I never did it on purpose, though. I guess I just wanted to protect you and Octavia."

I sat up with his help and he grabbed a stick that had food on it. "You need to eat." Bellamy pushed the stick towards my mouth, and then I realised how hungry I was, I tentatively took a bit out of it.

"How long have I been out?" I had ate as much as I could, but it wasn't much.

"About 5 hours?" Clarke had just walked in. "Have you had something to drink?"

"You need to eat more!" Bellamy said exasperated, nodding at Clarke.

Clarke gazed at the stick, "Please eat some more, Talia, if not for you, for us."

"I feel like I am going to be sick. At least give me a few minutes. I will finish it, I just feel ill." I complained my stomach churning worse, I heaved and turned away from both of them, and vomited all over the floor, and lay back down, my breathing became unsteady, leaving me gasping like I had been punched to the stomach.

"Talia, breathe in, and out." Clarke made some motions with her hands and breathed in and out and I copied.

After about thirty seconds Clarke had to go, "Keep doing that. If she gets any worse come and get me."

Clarke turned around and started walking away, walking to the dropship door. Soon my breathing was back to normal and I slumped down. Bellamy stood up and walked over to the ladder and climbed up.

I sighed feeling relaxed and finally happy that I had some peace and quiet.

"Talia! I made this, I will help your leg so it should get better faster!" Raven ran in, I was not used to seeing Raven hyper, she seemed angry earlier. Raven helped me sit up and placed it on my leg. I heard some of the conversation between Clarke and Bellamy, who I had not realised was in here again.

"The ark has some records of a supply depot not far from here." Clarke told Bellamy.

"What kind of supplies?" Bellamy asked, his eyes flickering over to me, while my leg was getting strapped into a weird contraption, causing me to hiss slightly as my leg moved.

"Sorry." Raven muttered and continued strapping my leg in.

"The kind that may give us the chance to live through winter." Clarkes voice raised ever so slightly. "I am gonna check it out, I could use backup."

"Why are you asking me." Bellamy sounded sceptical. his eyes occasionally flickering at me.

"Well because right now, I don't feel like being being around anyone I actually like." Clarke explained, I couldn't tell if she was joking.

"I'll get my stuff," His eyes went to mine then past me, I looked back and saw Octavia.

I heard the rustling of someone leaving the tent then it repeated again.

"Weak bored," There was a pause in Finns voice, how do people keep being in here without my knowledge, "Grateful to be alive."

Raven tapped my leg slightly as an indicator that it was done then stood up and walked over to Clarke and Finn.

"Well maybe that way you should rest." I could hear the smile on Clarkes face. 'Jeez she really does like this boy.' I thought once again, to myself.

I then heard Raven speak but I couldn't understand it.

I heard Finn grunt then Clarke spoke, "I am going to be out of camp for today, Can you change his bandages in a few hours?"

Wait where are you going?" Finn gasped sounding like he was sitting up but failing.

"It's a little assignment from the ark."

I zoned out, only long enough to hear Raven say, "Finn, Clarkes a big girl, she can handle it."

"Clarke!" Bellamy had entered. "Lets get a move on."

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"Nowhere that you need to worry about angel." Bellamy glanced at me, looking like he was trying to think of an excuse for me not to go with.

"I want to go." I swung my legs of the table and stood up, able to stand without my crutches, making me excited. I walked over the the opening.

"No, you aren't going anywhere." Bellamy grabbed my arm, forcefully, but gently at the same time, dragging me back to the table.

"Why not!" I whined, pouting slightly without meaning to.

"You need to rest." He came up with a pathetic excuse.

"I have been resting for ages. I don't care what you say, I am going with." I stamped my foot to emphasis it, making a jolt of pain go up my leg, but it wasn't bad and I wanted to go so I ignored it, knowing if I did make any signs of pain Clarke and Bellamy wouldn't let me go.

"Alright lets go then." Clarke said and Bellamy sent her a look. "If we don't let her go she will just sneak out, and that will be even more dangerous."

I nodded and walked out.

"Make sure he stays in bed."Clarke told Raven.

"Sounds like a plan."

Bellamy started grabbing rations and shovelling them in his bag, then put a lot in mine, it looked like there was more in mine then his.

"That's a lot of rations." Clarke spoke causing me to jump slightly. I almost hissed but clamped my mouth shut. "You realise this is a day trip?"

"A lot can happen in one day." Bellamy looked in my bag as if checking I had enough. Bellamy slung his bag over his shoulder looking at Octavia before we left.

Bellamy grabbed my bag off my shoulder, seeing that I was struggling with it.

"I can carry it!" It old him, making to grab my bag back.

"You was struggling." Bellamy told me, tossing it over his shoulder.

Emotionless -The 100 Bellamy Blake Fanfiction-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang