Chapter 14-Diamond stream

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Talia Kings POV

"The blade is at a upward angle between the sixth and seventh rib." Clarke informs her mom.

"Okay, how deep." Abby asks.

"I can't tell how deep it goes." Clarke tells her.

I look over, and get up. "There's no swelling on the bottom of his rib cage, I would say that the wound is around 3 inches deep." I tell Clarke and stand slightly behind her so I'm not in her way.

"Don't remove the knife yet." Abby instructs. "Clarke do you see any fluid?"

"Well, Dammit." Clarke stomps slightly, "Clear the room."

"Everyone upstairs now!" Raven walks towards them.

"Does that include me?" I ask, Clarke shakes her head.

"He feels a little warm." Clarke felt Finns forehead.

"That's alright, fever sometimes accompanies with trauma." Abby assured her. Octavias footsteps echoed as she walked down the ladder.

"What happened?" I asked her seeing the look on her face.

"He's torturing him!" She told me.

"What! Can you please help me up the ladder?" I wanted to help him, he helped me and Octavia. Octavia stood at the bottom of the ladder and helped me climb up the two stories. I looked down and smiled at her to let her know I would fix this. She then hung out with the group that was on the middle story.

"Bellamy stop!" I yelled at him, "Let him go!"

"No." Bellamy turned to look at me.

"Why not." I stepped towards the grounder and started to undo the rope on his wrist when Bellamy wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me back.

"Get her downstairs." He instructed two of his followers.

"What, you have to get you minions to do your dirty work for you." I scowled up at him, "Real tough guy right here." I jabbed him in the chest and got out of his grip.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard and the dropship's side was indented. Bellamy grabbed me and put himself on the outside, as if he was trying to protect me.

"What the hell was that?" Bellamy let go of me and walked over to the ladder, "Are we under attack or not."

"Storm damage, we are okay." A guy was climbing up the ladder. Now that everyone's attention was off me could untie him. I quickly walked as silently as possible and managed to undo his wrist.

"What the hell are you doing!" Bellamy yelled and grabbed the grounders arm after he raced over. "Get her out of here."

Two guys grabbed my arms harshly making me cry out, Bellamy gave them a look and their grip loosened, but still was tight enough to drag me to the ladder and force me down it.

They slammed the door shut, leaving me to climb down. When I was on the bottom floor I spoke to Clarke. "Clarke! Bellamy has gone mad. He's tied up the grounder and I think he's going to kill him."

Clarke stared at me. I looked down and saw Finn laying on the floor, no knife in the cut.

"Hey Finn," I smiled at him, then looked at Clarke, "Shouldn't he be on the table?"

"He fell off due to the storm. Mind helping me get him back on." She explained.

I nodded and crouched sticking my injured leg out, my leg had gotten better, we managed to put him on the table, and Clarke started to stitch his wound up.

"When I'm done here, I can take a look at your leg." Clarke told me not looking up.

"I am all good, it just hurts occasionally, it feels way better." I said.

"That wasn't a question." Clarke once again didn't look up. "Okay, I'm done."

Raven walked closer. "Good, do you have anything to cover the wound?" Abby's voice cracked slightly due to the radio.

"We'll make do." Clarke shook her head slightly, "like always."

"Should he be this pale, warm too." Raven felt Finns forehead.

"He lost a lot of blood Raven." Abby confirmed, "If your boyfriends anywhere near as tough as you, I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Wait mom, she's right." Clarke felt Finns chest. "He's feverish and breathing's uneven."

"Well, you'll need to give him sometime to recover. Let me know if he gets any worse, but I think he might just be out of the woods." Abby instructed.

"Well down here there is nothing but woods." Clarke muttered not realising how loud she was. I had started to feel nauseous, and felt like I was going to puke. I started to hop my way to the ladder and Climbed up, I was starting to become stronger.

I sat down next to Monty and Jasper. "Hey." I looked down feeling even dizzier.

"Hey." Monty and Jasper smiled at me.

"You look kind of pale. Do you want me to go get Clarke?" Monty asked.

I shook my head. "I have literally just came from where she was."

"Still, you should see her. Did she mention you being pale?" Monty asked. I shook my head and stood up, seeing Clarke come up the ladder.

She went up to the top floor. "Get the hell out of my way." Clarke told a guy who was standing in front of her.

"It's okay, let them through." Bellamy stared at me, Clarke turned most likely confused by 'them.'

Me and Clarke walked past and up to Bellamy. Clarke turned and saw the grounder. I went over to the grounder.

I saw Bellamy wave his hand out of the corner of my eye and suddenly someone had grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back, yanking them too tightly, causing my to wince, Bellamy gave them the same look he had given them last time, and the grip had loosened.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"They will let you go, but only if you come and stand right here and not move towards him." The disgust in Bellamys voice had come through at the word him. I nodded, my shoulder was throbbing, the hands on my shoulders had let me go and pushed me towards Bellamy, I stumbled a bit due to the shove and Bellamy grabbed me wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I struggled but his grip stayed iron tight.

"Well if he didn't hate us before he does now." Clarke looked at the blood on the grounders face.

"Who cares." Bellamy lifted me up off the floor slightly and dragged Clarke and I towards the back of the room. "How's Finn?"

"Alive." Clarke stared at Bellamy. "He's people will care. How long til they figure out where he is? What happens when they do? I mean when they come looking for him, they will Bellamy."

"Relax princess, no one saw us take him." Bellamy attempted to calm Clarke down. "He was chained up in that cave, the inter time. and thanks to the storm we didn't see a soul on the way back."

Crashes from the storm echoed around the dropship. Bellamy opened a notebook, flipping through it, I saw a drawing of Octavia and I when we was in the butterfly field, and multiple of just Octavia, Bellamy stopped on a page with a bunch of lines and some crossed out.

"His people are already killing us." Bellamy tapped the page. "How many more of our people need to die til you realise we are fighting a war."

Clarke flipped onto the next page, and started to whisper, and I couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Your right, we can't." Bellamy intently stared at Clarke, "If we don't fight."

"Clarke! He's siezing." Raven yelled from the bottom floor of the dropship.

"On my way!" Clarke sprinted off.

Bellamy shut the door once Clarke was gone. "You don't have to see this." Bellamy looked at me.

"See what." I was already fearing for the grounders life, without Bellamy going crazy, and now that Bellamy has this wasn't going to be good.

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