Chapter 11-World of Mists

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Talia Kings POV

I pulled away from the kiss thinking 'What have I just done?' only to be pulled back into the kiss, eventually we needed air so we pulled away and lent out foreheads against each others, panting heavily.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop myself." I muttered feeling his breath on my lips.

"For what?" He smirked at me, a small amount of cheering happened from near us, I looked up seeing Octavia, Monty and Jasper. I looked down, in embarrassment and bit my lip.

"It's about time you two!" Jasper yelled at us.

"The sexual tension between you two was unbelievable!" Finn shouted.

"Great, now I can see one of my best friends kiss my brother!" Octavia fake glared and then smiled.

Monty just stayed quiet.

Bellamy just shifted me slightly in his arms and carried me to my tent. He lay me down on the makeshift bed then walked out.

I drifted off to sleep, not hearing the pod rocketing down from space from the ark towards earth.

Octavia came rushing into my tent, talking nonsense about a rocket or something coming down from the ark. She chucked me my crutches and practically dragged me outside.

"Bellamy get out here!" Octavia yelled continuing to drag me forward. Soon enough Bellamy was outside his tent a group of girls behind him, making me feel envy, jealous and not good enough, I ignored it, I already knew my emotions were on the way back, but when they appeared it still shocked me.

"I hope they bring down shampoo," A girl said holding something like a blanket around her staring up at space. I thought that was completely stupid.

"Shampoo isn't important right now, we need food and fresh water." I said, wanting her to seem stupid in front of Bellamy.

Bellamy and a guy disappeared into a tent, Making Octavia drag me slightly and pull me into the tent, she obviously didn't notice how uncomfortable around Bellamy I was.

"If it's around the ridge we would know." The guy told Bellamy.

"We better start moving everyone's ready." Octavia walked towards them letting me make my own way over.

"No ones going anywhere." Bellamy crossed his arms. I took a second to admire the way the muscle moved creating ripples under his shirt. "Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light, pass the word."

Some people I didn't notice exited the tent.

"Bellamy, It is safe. don't you see, that thing came the ark, if the grounders get their hands on it, which they will if we don't leave now, will become more dangerous to us!" I forget to move my crutches as I took a step forward, resulting in me tumbling into Octavia's back, luckily she was strong and didn't fall over.

"Everyone from a hundred miles saw this thing come down," Octavia went close to Bellamy, "What if the grounders get to it first, like Talia said." Bellamy looked down and looked at me. "Bell we should go now."

"I said we wait until sunrise." Bellamy said walking past Octavia and I. He ducked under the tent walls.

Octavia looked at me as I spoke, "We are stilling going right?" Octavia nodded and helped me get outside my tent.

We ended up going through the woods, as fast as I could go using my crutches.

"Bellamy." Octavia yelled when we saw him going through the woods.

"Go back to camp it isn't safe." He said to Octavia and then saw me. "Both of you."

"You lied to everyone." Octavia stopped running as she got closer. "You lied to me. You just want whatever is in that pod."

I managed to get close, only for Bellamy to shove me and Octavia backwards, causing me to trip and fall onto my bad leg, an excruciating pain ran up my leg. I screamed internally the pain I was in didn't allow me to scream.

"Bellamy you always want to play the big brother?" Octavia said walking closer. "Huh? Well guess what? Jokes on me, you're just a selfish dick."

"I did this for you. To protect you. The ark finds out we're alive they'll come down," Bellamy gulped. I was cradling my leg, trying to get the pain to go away.

"What did you do?" Octavia's voice was quieter now.

"I shot him."Bellamy told her, "I shot Jaha."

"What?" Octavia's voice was just a hushed whisper now, so much so I could hardly hear her.

I couldn't hear anymore of their conversation as I was in too much pain.

Octavia ran away, then saw me on the ground, and picked me up, and ran away.

Octavia looked around, lost, she kept looking back, as if someone was following her, confused as I was, I thought nothing of it, she was just being cautious. We came to a hill and Octavia tripped over a rock, sending us both tumbling down the hill, I went unconscious as I had hit my head on a larger rock.

I awoke in a cave,lying on the ground.

"Hey," She muttered, "Sorry I got you into this mess."

"We aren't in a mess. We just have to leave." I told her, I looked around, trying to find and objects that could get us free, finding nothing I lent against the wall. "Where are we anyway?"

"In a grounders cave." My eyes widened at her words. "A good grounders, he helped us."

I nodded. "Can you see my crutches?"

She shook her head. "Look," She pulled her knee up to my vision, "He fixed it. Let me see yours"

I looked down at my leg, it was sewn up, but I my bone was sticking out slightly, creating a bump under the bandage.

"Mines partially fixed."

She helped me up, slinging an arm around my figure and helped me walk, We looked up seeing a hole in the roof and saw the moon. She grabbed a bone and helped me towards what looked like a door. We was underneath some bars that allowed light in, and Octavia helped me to the wall, then started to lift herself up, then fell down, causing her to grunt in pain. I crawled towards her, wanting to help her. She got back up. and looked up and around, starting to rip the rocks out of the wall, I got up using one leg and helped her. She got in the hole, I realised I would have to crawl, I got in it and crawled keeping the weight off my injured leg.

"I'm not afraid," Octavia kept mumbling ahead of me, glancing back occasionally at me, making sure I was behind her.

She rolled out, and I stayed in the hole, not wanting to land on top of her. She stood up and sling her arm around me and we made our way away from the cave.

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