Chapter 31-Friends and Assassins

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3rd person Pov-Will be Talia's soon

"Stop!" Harper screamed, as her friend was tortured. Talia's screams grew weak, a headache pounding on her skull, but nothing like the drill, digging into her bone, harvesting bone marrow from her.

After a while she was taken off the table and back into the cage being replaced by Harper. Talia tried to avoid the sleep that invaded, but was soon into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile in the dorm, Miller and Monty was playing cards and Maya and Jasper entered, Miller turned the radio up.

"Whatever happened to them, someone must have seen something." Jasper grew increasingly frustrated, as the other leader had left the difficult decisions for him to deal with.

"Where could they be, this place is a sealed bunker?" Miller asked.

"There has to be rooms we don't know about that that aren't maped." Jasper announced, looking at the map. "Remember what Talia said about the basement? Monsters that are soldiers? Maybe that's our way to find them?"

"They are actually Monsters trained like soldiers." MIller recalled. "Well is it possible?"

"I doubt it but maybe." Maya said, glancing around

"Thanks, you are a big help." MIller sarcastically told her.

"Easy." Jasper tried to calm him down, "Maya's on our side."

"Are you sure about that?" Miller asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm sure. She's risked more than any of us." Jasper said to him, annoyed.

"Really? Is she gonna end up in the kennel too if she gets caught?" Miller raised his voice slightly, using hand motions to emphasise.

"Stop it." Jasper hissed.

"I found something." Monty turned around to face them all. "That leads to an antenna on the ground. If we can access the radio, we can send a message over the Ark wide channel. Tell them we're here."

"The only radio is in the command center on level 7." Maya looked around. "Highly restricted."

"Talia was onto something here." Vivienne told them, holding up the book with the diagram along with instructions on it.

"How are we going to get radiation?" Jasper asked studying it. "We'll stick with this plan, we can work on that when Talia is back, you know how she doesn't include all the information. Besides we can alert the Ark with this, and Talia's is to buy some time. We got in the command centre before."

"Only because it was scheduled for decontamination. That won't work again so soon." Maya pointed out.

"We don't need the radio, we need the wires that run into it here." Monty skimmed the map, pointing at the art warehouse.

"Art warehouse. That I can get us into." Maya announced.

"Great and all we have to do is break through a 2-foot section of wall, find the outgoing wire and jack it into the closed system." Monty paused. "Without being heard by anyone in the command center or on the field."

"That's all, huh?" Miller sassed.

"No." Monty started to list off things he needed. "We'll also have to get some copper wire, the guard schedules and a walkie talkie. oh, yeah, and a big ass hammer."

Timeskip-Talia King's POV

I looked up when I heard the door creak open, and Emerson came in, dragging an unconscious Monty by the armpits throwing him into a cage.

"Monty! Monty." I hissed poking him, trying not to move too much as large movements caused extreme pain, smaller ones caused less.

Monty thankfully woke up. "Talia, Harper, hey. What did they do to you?"

"47, they built on for each of us." Harper tells him.

Monty looks around, seeing the 44 other cages.

"Take Harper when your cage opens, and get out." I whisper to Monty.

"I'm not leaving you." Monty told me. "What's happening."

"Torture." I reply. "They cut you open, with no anesthetic, and drill into you."

Monty's eyes widened, seeing mine and Harpers cuts.

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