Chapter 13-Witches Hazel

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Talia Kings POV

My leg was healing again, Raven had made me this thing that was similar to a cast, but didn't do too much as she had to focus on other things. Clarke was having to help me, as she had noticed I kept losing consciousness a lot recently, but like Raven she had to focus on other things, more important things, like Finn.

People was wondering in and out of the dropship, as people held the covers from the parachute up.

"Come in ark station, come in ark station." Raven kept repeating that, trying to get the arks attention. I felt Clarkes presence behind me.

"How's your leg?" Clarke asked me.

"Could be better." I replied turning around giving her my full attention.

"Have you fainted today?" I shook my head at her words. "Any dizziness? I'll try and give you a check up later, but I can't promise that I will be able to."

"That's fine Clarke, you need to focus on other things." I told her, then suddenly I was lifted up from behind, causing me to shriek, and Clarke just smirked and spoke to Raven.

"Talia, you can't ignore me for the rest off your life." Bellamy spoke while gently placing me down.

"Want a bet?" I turned trying to walk away, but Bellamys hand grasped my wrist, forcing me to turn around, almost causing me to fall over, if not for his hands which wrapped themselves around my waist. I shoved his chest, which only caused a small grunt from him.

"Tell me how that grounder hurt your leg even more!" His eyes travelled down, to my leg.

"You really want to know! My leg was hurt even more because of you Bellamy!" He looked at me confused. "That day in the forest, when me and Octavia was out, you shoved us, I fell and twisted my leg." I tried to keep my voice down, "You want to hurt someone for it, you can hurt yourself."

"Please don't go," I looked up at him, his eyes was glistening with tears, sunken back into its sockets, the sight made me tired just looking at it. Suddenly I started to burn, felt nauseous, my legs started to feel heavy, my vision started to blur, I was suddenly confused.

I must have looked awful, as Bellamy had said "Talia? Talia? Are you okay?" My hands gripped his biceps, and suddenly I fainted.

"Clarke!" Bellamy yelled, I could still hear and feel everything I realised, unlike the other times.

"What Bellamy?" Clarke asked, I could sense she was to my left. "Lie her on the table, you know this isn't the first time, I need to tend to Finn."

"No, you need to tend to Talia, there's something very wrong with her!" Bellamy sounded exasperated, I felt motion and then I was back on what I would assume to be my table. I heard a chair scrape along the ground and a hand held my own, tracing something that felt like a word on it, the word seemed to engrave itself on my hand as it had been traced into my own.

There was footsteps, and the ark had picked up, and was talking to them.

While Clarke was getting ready to help Finn, Bellamy's voice had rung out. "Why does Talia keep fainting?"

"What do you mean?" Abby's voice had came through the radio.

"She has been fainting for the past week mom!" Clarkes voice stepped in, and I was able to move again, I abruptly jerked my hand away from Bellamy as I sat up, causing me to wobble a bit. "Careful Talia!"

"Is Talia awake right now?" The radio spoke.

"Yeah." Clarke said, I clutched my head, trying to get rid of my headache."She only just came back around."

"Let me speak to her." I got up, Bellamy clutched my forearm, trying to help me, but I just shoved him off.

"Okay I'm here." I told her wobbling a bit more, Clarke wrapped her arm around my side, helping me stay upright.

"Talia, have you had chest pains or an irregular heart beat?Do you have diabetes? And Are you pregnant?"

"Yes, I did feel chest pains before I fainted and No, and No." I told her.

"I can't test you, as we are so far apart, but next time, sit down or lie down, it will lower your chances of being hurt by the fall." Abby told me.

"Okay, thank you." I wasn't sure what the point of that was.

Suddenly the radio seemed to break but only slightly, we could still hear them.

"Whats going on Raven?" Clarke asked the brunette.

"It's not the radio." Raven tells her, "It's the storm."

Raven busies herself, Clarke does the same, letting go of me, Bellamy grabs my hands and guides me to the table, "I don't need help, not yours anyway!" I tell him and make my way towards the exit, which is were Octavia had just walked in. I saw Bellamy walk outside.

"Hey!" I smiled at her, "What do you say we go on a little adventure!"

"Not now, it's to dangerous out there! Besides I might need you in here." Clarke tells me.

I busy myself with sterilising things, and Octavia walks away and up the ladder.

"Tell me you can do this." Raven tells Clarke, and I pretend not to be listening.

"Hey there back!" Someone yells out. I look up, seeing people carrying the grounder who helped us, but also held us prisoner.

Octavia climbed down the ladder, "the hell are you doing!"

"Just trying to get some answers." Bellamy replies calmly.

"Oh, you mean revenge." Octavia speaks, I notice the cut on her head where blood was seeping out slightly, I would have to get Clarke to take a look later, I knew Octavia most likely wouldn't let me look.

"I mean intell." Bellamy looked mad. "Get him upstairs."

"You can't just kidnap someone!" I stepped towards him, scowling.

"Oh and now you stop ignoring me. When I bring in someone who tried to kill you." Bellamys voice was quiet but I could tell he wanted to yell at me and lash out. So I just went back to sterilising the things Clarke needed sterilised.

"Bellamy shes right." Clarke turned around.

"Clarke, I think we're ready." Abby's voice came through the speaker. "Can you hear me?"

"Look this is not who we are." Clarke was talking to Bellamy as he had kidnapped a grounder.

"It is now." Bellamy said, and walked away from Clarke.

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