Chapter 42-Alaskan Fairy tale

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Talia KIngs POV
The world, it was full of light. Tall, towering buildings stood high, mighty and proud, but still full of secrets. I turned around, my eyes darting, seeing everyone so happy, talking with friends, walking with a purpose. I didn't feel any pain, remorse or regret, it shocked me.

"Wonderful here, isn't it?" A girl in a bright red dress smiled at me, I nodded, my eyes still moving around, taking in all the scenery, It reminded me of that dream I had. "In here, the world can be yours, you can do anything."

"Anything?" I questioned, my head cocking to the side, turning back towards her.

"Anything." She nodded, "But there will be times when I need your help, like now."

"What do you need me to do?"

"When your friends get back, I need you to act normal, and let me see all the information you give them."

I leaned forward, looking into her eyes, seeing something click in them. She just stared at me.

"Go back to the normal world now." She patted my shoulder, and I was back in the solid steel room, void of colour.

Bang! "Talia!" Raven called through, hitting the door. "They are back!"

I left the room, remembering what ALIE said, act normal.

I entered the weapons room, everyone was there, except for Monty, and a new person, that I had never met, 'I'll ask who it is later.' I thought, not wanting to be rude.

"BELL!" I screamed and ran over to him, his arms opening wide, inviting me into a embrace. He lifted me into the air and spun me around, and the room filled with giggles, laughs, and 'you two are too cute.' from Clarke and harper.

"Anything important happen?" Clarke asked, looking around at us.

"Well, we found this note." I looked around in my pockets and couldn't find it.

"Here." Raven passed it over to them. "I took it from you to try and figure it out. The only bit of information I got was the Citadel. It's more protected then the rest of this."

ALIE appeared and started screaming at me so I couldn't hear the rest. "Get the note! Get the note." It was like a satanic chant, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I rushed forward grabbed the note and ran outside, luckily I still had the beanie with me, nestled inside my pocket. The screams from Raven telling everyone to stop me and the pounding of footsteps behind me made me giggle, remembering the one time in lock up, I was outside my cell able to play with another kid who wasn't in lock up, after all he was the chancellors son. It happened when I was five, I can still remember that day clearly.

I giggled, rushing along the hallway of lockup, his footsteps along the steel floor, a eerie echo, that came out as a song.

"Slow down!" He called out, wanting to tag me.

"Never!" I laughed, before I tripped and fell out of the lock up area, making it look like I was trying to escape, at least to the guards.

They hauled me up and back to my cell, tears streaming down my face, as the boy called out that I hadn't done anything wrong, and that I just fell over. It was the same boy that testified at my second trial, about me escaping.

I made it out of Arcadia with none of them able to catch me, but they was still trying. I climbed up the nearest tree, as none of them would think about checking there. I was right, they ran past me.

"Polis." ALIE whispered to me, and I slowly clambered down to the ground, and made my way to Polis.

I was almost at Polis when ALIE appeared again and told me to run, and explained the plan to me on the way. They was going to Polis to try and stop this.

Polis was still amazing, I climbed up the tower to the throne room, as ALIE instructed, and waited there out of sight on the balcony.

After ages of waiting, I could hear the guards bringing Clarke. And I zoned out again, staring out over Polis going over the plan again.

"They're here. Don't let them get Ontari." ALIE told me, appearing on the ledge, before disappearing again.

I walked into the throne room, knowing what I had to do. Ontari handed me a crowbar, and I took it.

"Talia!" Clarke cried out. "Stop don't do this!"

"I have to." I said, swinging my hand with the crowbar in it and hitting Ontari on the head, letting out a tiny giggle as she hit the floor.

"No!" Clarke strained against the bonds she was in.

"Damage to the brain is substantial, but she is still alive." ALIE told me.

I drew back my arm about to hit Ontari again, not hearing Clarke's cry of "Bellamy, stop her!"

Before I could swing my arm, a body fling themselves onto me, and I was knocked on to the floor. I looked up, Bellamy was lying on top of me. I lifted the crowbar up about to strike him with it, Bellamy grabbed my arms, pinning them to the floor.

"Murphy!" Bellamy called out, his eyes not leaving mine, as I struggled to get him off me. "A little help here!"

Murphy had already cut Abby down, and was helping Clarke.

"Bellamy," I pouted, a tear trickling out of my eye, "your hurting me."

Bellamy eased up on his grip, not fully letting go, but not bearing to take the chance of hurting me, even though I can't feel pain anymore. I go out of his grip and managed to get on top of him, him trying to over power me again.

Murphy tackled me off Bellamy, and held me to the ground. "You actually fell for that!"

Bellamy grabbed some rope and tied me to the pillar Abby had hung herself on. I hit my head onto the pillar so they couldn't get any information from me.

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