Chapter 19-

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Talia Kings POV

I was sitting there with Bellamy

"My friends, this is a historic unity day. Every year we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year on the ground." Jahas voice sounded harsh, as he took credit for our work.

"Right. After we did all the work." Miller spoke indicating around to all of us, "Someone shut him up."

"You shut up, Miller. no ones forcing you to watch." Raven spoke.

I stood up, I was growing stronger by the day, still not up to the standard but close. "If you don't want to watch, their is work around camp that you can do, I am going to do some myself." I smiled at him and walked towards the metal that was being used as glasses for drinking and picked them up. "Your welcome to join me if you want."

I walked away, hearing Jahas voice echoing after me, "For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to earth."

I eventually reached a small stream and started washing them up, the dirty turning the water a murky brown, before being rushed downstream being replaced with clean. The clean water making me feel dirty so I removed my shirt that was stuck to my torso with sweat, Quickly I stuck the shirt under and hung it on a tree, then dived in. The blissful relaxingness of the water making me forget about the danger of the grounders and the possibility of a snake like the one that attacked Octavia.

Suddenly ripples floated through the water and air bubbles came up, to the surface. Swimming towards me was a creature, one that I hadn't seen before, so I assumed the worst and climbed out, but not before apart of my left shin got bit off.

The blood poured out, crimson field filled the dirt below me, I grabbed my shirt off the tree and limped my way back to camp, the trail longer than before. The hissed and grunts from me must have alerted someone, as Fox ran out, a gun in hand aimed at me, before she tucked it away and slung her arm around me most of my weight on her.

"Unity day." Bellamy spoke, his eyes flickered towards me after taking a bite out of his apple, his eyes widened seeing my shirt wrapped around my leg, leaving me in a small shirt, doing nothing to hide my bra.

Bellamy rushed over, calling Clarke while carrying me inside the dropship. He placed me on 'my' table. Clarke rushed in, as Bellamy removed his shirt, revealing abs, He gave it to me, helping me sit up so I could slid it over my head.

"You sure?" I asked as now his torso was revealed. He just nodded and I got into the shirt that draped around me, looking like a curtain, as it swamped me.

"Talia!" Clarke gasped seeing my injury. "What happened."

"You know, me and injuries just happen to go hand in hand." I spoke, moaning as my leg was moved. "I don't know what it was but something was in the lake, you know where we go to wash things and get fresh water? It was there."

Clarke unwrapped my makeshift bandage, now stained with blood. Bellamy grabbed it, and placed it away.

"Fox told me Talia was hurt." Monty ripped through the opening, eyes gazing wildly around, before landing on me, He rushed forward, moving the hair from my face as they had gotten stuck due to the sweat that came from me walking with a injured leg.

After a while Clarke went outside as she had fixed my leg. I sat up, and grabbed my crutches before Bellamy pushed me back down claiming he didn't want me out of his sight.

"She can do what she wants." Monty said, helping me up.

"Then walk with me." I smiled at Monty, and hobbled my way. The other two walking either side of me, making our way over to the table Clarke had just left with Finn.

"Hiya, Fox, mind if I play?" I asked her shooting her a smirk. This was a game I had seen some delinquents play a few days ago.

"Sure, hows you leg holding up?" She set it up again.

"Pretty good," I told her, seeing the metal land in the cup. I picked it up and chugged it back, the taste bitter on my tongue.

I throw the metal back, but it sunk into the hole between the cups. "Awww." I pouted. Suddenly a Finn appeared by me.

"I need to talk to you." Finn told me, not giving me a chance to reply before being dragged away to the side of the dropship where no one was.

"Alright then..." I waited for him to explain wha was happening as I lent against the dropship, my leg was killing me, but I didn't want to say anything.

"I have set up a meeting with the grounders, Clarke is going, and you should go aswell, as you look less intimidating."

I glowered at him slightly before nodding. "Fine, when do we leave?"

"Now." Finn pointed at the gate where Clarke was waiting.

Eventually we arrived at the bridge. Its wall crumbled and leaving rumble, I instantly knew I was going to get injured.

"So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke asked Finn.

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