Chapter 33- Breath of Nightmares

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Talia Kings POV

"We've been locked up for hours." Miller leant against the bed. "If it was Bellamy-"

"It was Bellamy. I'm telling you, he's here." Jasper said.

"Even Talia doesn't believe he's here." Miller pointed out.

"Jasper." I jumped off the bed, wincing slightly. "If he was here we would be free, and they would have been dead. Besides, he's not stupid enough to wear a guards suit, at least not without anything covering his face."

"Exactly." Miller agreed with me.

"It doesn't make any sense." Monty told him.

"I know what I saw." Jasper said, leaning.

"And I know what I saw." I hissed just as the buzzer went off.

"Not again." Fox whined.

"Back up, everyone. Back up. Move! Off to the sides. Get back." The guards spoke pushing us to the wall. One of the guards grabbed me and I bit him. He loosened his grip enough for me to shove him.

"Don't touch me! Or anyone else." I glared.

"No. Not her, I want her to suffer through of her friends dying. But if she pulls anything take her." Dr. Tsing told the guard, smirking evilly. He grabbed Harper instead.

"No. No!" Harper yelled, fighting against him.

"Hey, Hey! Get off her!" Monty yelled.

"No, not her either. She needs more time to recover. This one."

"No. Wait, wait! No, Please! No!" The delinquent screamed as they took him away.

"Stop! You can't keep doing this to us." Jasper told Dr. Tsing.

"Everyone in this mountain will be dead, I can assure you of that, and it will be your fault." I told her, earning a slap to the face from her.

"President Wallace sad we could go." Jasper told her.

"That president Wallace is no longer in command. He had to step down for health reasons. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I hope you know you're all incredibly special to us." Dr. Tsing told us.

"Clear out. Go." The guards walked out.

"Wait!" I called after Dr. Tsing.

"What!" She walked up to me, her height making me a little nervous.

"I know how you can get to the ground." I told her. "You don't need to use bone marrow. You just mix the two blood types in radiation, and then pump into into their system."

"You liar." She hissed, punched me in the stomach and walked out.

I waited for the door to close, before turning around. "Why the hell did no one take the opportunity to sneak out!"

"We're scared." Fox admitted, breaking down into tears.

"I won't let anything happen to you, or anyone else for that matter." I sling my arm around her neck in a hopefully comforting manner. "I'm gonna need some blood." I announced, "Not even a pint, it's to prove it to Dr. Tsing."

"Why are you helping her." Someone at the back yelled.

"Because, either they take our bone marrow or they inject a bit of blood in themselves." I tell them standing on the edge of the bed, "Now who will give me some of their blood?"

Jessica sighed and walked forward, rolling her sleeve up.

"You will feel a little pinch." I tell her as I rummage through the bags, finding the needle. I slowly slid it in, only taking a bit of her blood. "Okay, it's done. The next time someone comes in, need someone to get some blood off of them, or distract them some I can do it."

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