Chapter 26-Final Countdown

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Talia Kings POV

I entered the dropship with water for Raven to drink as her throat was probably hurting after all of her screaming.

"Can she walk or not?" Finn asked Clarke.

"No. We have to carry her." Clarke told them.

"The hell you will. I'm good to go." Raven said, trying to sit up.

"The hell you are." I pushed her back down.

"Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle, there's no internal bleeding it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there. Is that clear." Clarke looked down at her.

Raven nodded, and a quiet "Yeah." Fell from her lips.

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn walked away.

"Here." I passed Raven the cup, allowing her to drink it.

"Go fill all the tanks with water, it will take forever for us to get there." Clarke instructed me, I nodded and walked out over to all of the water barrels.

"Take a carton each!" I called out. "There isn't a lot of water that can be held inside of it, use the water wisely, we don't know how soon it can be filled up, if at all." I explained, handing the cartons out.

Soon enough the delinquents was walking through the gate, I walked over to Bellamy and Clarke.

"You did good here, Bellamy." Clarke told her.

"18 dead." Bellamy just said to us.

"But there's 82 alive! You did good. You both did good." I congratulated them.

Bellamy grabbed a bucket of water and put the fire out, walking back to us, he put one hand on his gun, and wrapped his arm around me, drawing me so close I was practically in the negative space,

We ended up being far out in the woods when we stopped. "Why did we stop?" I asked jumping up and down, falling over a log, and hurting my ankle, causing me to grunt.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked, putting his hand out, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

I stumbled forward when I put weight on it. "Oww! Shit!" I grunted, my hands pressed against Bellamys chest, I could feel the muscles tense.

"Grounders!" Jasper yelled, causing havoc to break out, it was chaos, people was running, yelling, spears flying at us from all directions.

"Move, move, move!" Bellamy yelled, scooping me up in his arms when he realised I couldn't walk.

We made it back to camp, Bellamy jumped up on the platform, pointing his gun out.

"Go in the dropship now." Bellamy muttered in my ear.

"I'm not leaving you." I told him.

"I never taught you how to shoot. You can't fight, you can't walk go in the dropship, help Raven." Bellamy told me, Clarke climbed up, standing between us. "Where are they? Why aren't they attacking?"

"Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do." Clarke said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive." Clarke turned around, yelling over to Finn.

"If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out. That's what Lincoln would do." Octavia walked over.

"We're done doing what that grounder would do." Bellamy jumped down, causing a thud. "We tried it and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?"

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