Chapter 8-Ragged Storm

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Talia Kings POV

I wondered around camp before seeing Clarke sitting on a rock while talking to Finn, it would take me forever to get over to them. Octavia appeared at my side.

"When are you going to tell Clarke?" She asked me, "You have to tell her sometime."

"I know, but I want to tell her not when we are about to die, Besides, she wouldn't believe me." I told her. "You ship Clarke and Finn right?"

She nodded, watching Clarke and Finn walk away from Wells, I didn't even realise Wells joined them. And then they stopped and Wells walked with them.

Octavia and I continued around camp, looking at things, "You should see this," Octavia lead me out of camp, towards somewhere that I didn't know. Eventually we was in a area lit up with blue fluttering things, and I realised it was butterflies, that lit up in the dark. I spun in the circle and fell, over, Octavia helped me up then we heard I horn.

"We better go back to camp." Octavia said, I agreed but I wanted to stay here. I grabbed my crutches and we made our way back to camp, when we was almost back to camp a green fog was starting to surround camp, Everyone was screaming and yelling 'it burns' and ran their way into the drop ship, luckily me and Octavia was already inside. Someone stepped on my foot causing me to yelp and Octavia dragged me to the side of the dropship door. Eventually the drop ship door was closing, not everyone was inside so I squeezed my way outside of the dropship. I started coughing, and I realised I couldn't see, but it wasn't burning like it did for the others, I could hear hammering on the inside of the dropship, and Octavia screaming "Talia, Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I spluttered, I decided to sit down and wait it out.

Soon the fog had cleared and later someone screamed and this time it wasn't Jasper, who had been screaming throughout the whole time the fog was there and even when it had gone.

I made my way into the woods towards the scream. I got to a young girl, Bellamy and Atom.

"Go back to camp," He spoke to the young girl, then he looked up when he heard my footsteps. "You too Talia."

I nodded and motioned for the little girl to come with me, she walked towards me, and we both walked back.

"I'm Talia," I fake smiled at her, hoping to get her mind off of Atom, who would be dead soon. The only reason why it was fake was because I couldn't bring myself to smile for real wit what was going on.

"Charlotte." Charlotte told me, glancing up at me.

"Who did your hair for you, if you did it, you are really good at it!" She just nodded.

"Do you want me to do your hair when we get back to camp?" She looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"If you want to." I smiled at her for real this time. I hardly knew this girl, but I felt this need to protect her.

"Why are you on crutches?" Charlotte asked me curiously.

"I am a bit clumsy, I full, and and a stick apparently got lodged between my kneecap and shin bones." I continues walking,

"That must have hurt." She told me, I nodded gently. Charlotte had stopped. we was at the top of a small hill, and turned around, I saw what she was looking at and quickly clamped my hand over her eyes.

"Charlotte, this isn't something you should see!" I quickly turned trying to tug her away from the scene, but I was too weak. Soon Charlotte turned and we walked back to camp. "Are you okay?" She just nodded.

Soon enough we was in camp, I saw Octavia and Bellamy talking to each other, I walked up to them Charlotte went off, most likely to find her friends, "She's missing Bell!" Octavia told Bellamy.

"That not possible, I saw her take Charlotte away from Atom!" Bellamy told her.

"Who you guys on about?" I asked them, they both turned to me. Octavia pulled me into a hug.

"Thank god you're okay! When you left the dropship when the fog was here I was sure you was going to die!"

Bellamy stood there, staring at us, "The fog was here!" He asked Me and Octavia nodded. "What happened!"

"Everyone went into the dropship, and as the doors was closing Talia jumped out." Octavia told him.

"We need to get you to Clarke!" Bellamy said and Octavia nodded, and they bot dragged me to Clarke.

Octavia told Bellamy to go and he did. Octavia helped me up the ladder, this time i didn't fall, she chucked my crutches up before climbing up herself.

"Clarke you need to see this." Octavia said, "When you are done with Jasper, that is."

"Sit down on the chair, Talia." She instructed me and I did, She continued helping Jasper and talking to Octavia, I zoned out, Clarke walked over to me, "What injury do you have this time?" She sounded tired.

"Not an injury this time Clarke quite the opposite actually." Octavia spoke for me. Clarke looked at her before motioning for either of us to continue. "She went out into the fog, but she didn't get hurt at all like Atom."

Clarke looked at her curiously, "Would be okay if I ran some very quick tests?" I nodded. and she put her ear close to my face and told me to breath normally. "No raspiness," She checked my pulse."No elevated or slowed pulse." She looked at me curiously. "How long was you out there for?"

"A long period of time." Octavia cut in, "Is she okay?"

"Honestly," Clarke asked her, "I don't know."

Jasper woke up, "Can I get a hit of that?" He asked Finn and Octavia who was drinking something. He had a drink, "Was that a dream or was I speared."

Clarke got up and walked over to him. "You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it."

"My Savior!" Jasper said, Jokingly, but it honestly was true.

"Thank you," Clarke told him, "for not dying, I don't think i could've taking that today."

Jasper joked again, "I'll try not to die tomorrow too, if that's cool."

I smiled, and then I realised my emotions was coming back, piece by piece.

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