Chapter 30-Rats and Doctors

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Talia King's POV

When I entered the dorm I went past my bed, noticing a book with a note on top of it;

To Talia

I hope you will accept this as a peace offering, use this to get all of you thoughts and feelings out, I hope that will will be able to speak to each other as leaders, and I will take into consideration any ideas for the mountain that you have to offer.


Dante Wallace

I left the book there but grabbed the note, and took it over to where the group was sitting over at Millers bed.

"I'm tired of puking." Harper announced.

"I'm tired of being a human pincushion." Miller complained.

"I'm tired of people looking at me as if I will find a way to get us out of here." I glared at Vivienne.

"You'll find a way." Monty tells me and I just waved my hand.

I pulled out the note and past it to Jasper, who read it out loud. "Is he serious?"

"I know right! Me? A leader?" I laughed, "No way."

Jasper looked around in dismay before shaking his head. "Okay, I know this sucks but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're buying ourselves time."

"Cooperating. That's it." I say and run over to my bed, grabbing the notebook. Before running back over and plopping down on the spot next to Jasper. I started to draw a diagram, making sure to label it, listening in to the conversation.

"Jasper. You know you thought it too." Monty tells him.

"Alright, then." Harper said as it was agreed upon. "We escape-"

"No." jasper said quietly, but firmly, shaking his head, "We find out the truth, or whatever Talia is doing."

"At least get her opinion on it." Harper pushes.

"Get Clarke's map, please?" I asked, Harper got up and grabbed it. I circled the main exit. "This is the main exit, this is where most of the protection will be. This can only be operated by a security key," I look up at Jasper, "and cannot be opened by anyone other then a guard." I look down at all of the crosses, "The only exit is through the Grounder-chamber, and through a lab, which is in the basement." Then I remembered what Dr. Tsing said about the basement.


"Shouldn't you be in the dungeon with your monsters?" Dr. Tsing sassed.

"They're not monsters." Cage defended, "They are soldiers. And the reason why you get to play doctor in your ivory tower."

End of Flashback

"We can't go that way either." I tell them, crossing it off the map.

"Why not?" Monty asked.

"Unless you want to fight what Dr. Tsing calls monsters that are actually soldiers according to Cage, I'd listen to me." I told them, "We find the truth."

"How do we do that?" Monty questioned.

"We're criminals, right?" Jasper looked around, "So let's be criminals."

We all left.

"Me and Harper will watch, if one of us uses the word 'tired,' get yourselves out. You as well Harper, just calmly walk back to the dorm." I tell them.

"Today, Monty." Jasper tells him, impatient.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Monty reminds him.

"Relax." Jasper told Miller, "Maya's decontaminating the surveillance room. No one's watching. We got this. If we can get the door open.:

Finally the door was open, and Monty, Jasper and Miller enter the room.

"Why do I have to defend the hole?" Harper asked.

"Monty's good with computers, MIllers a thief." Jasper replies.

"Why can't you watch the hole?"

"I'm the mastermind. Just go watch the hole; come on."

A minute had past since they had went in there when Dr. Tsing arrived suddenly appeared.

"What are you girls doing here?" She asked, eyeing the closed door behind us.

"We- we got lost." Harper lied before I got a word in.

"But we're tired, so we stopped," I said loud enough for them to hear it, along with yawning while speaking.

"I'll take you back to your dorm so you can rest." She turned.

'Do we follow?' Harper mouthed to me, I nodded.

We was really deep inside of Mount Weather, deeper then I had been. "This doesn't seem like the way back." I muttered next to Harper, she nodded in agreement.

Suddenly Harper and I was shoved inside a room, with cages and a table in the middle.

Sooner than I realised what was happening, I was in a cage and Harper was on the table.

"P-Please... No, please... Please..." Harper begged.

"No!" I yelled hands flying to the cage door, seeing the scalpel in her hand, "If you have to do that, do that to me! Don't hurt her."

Cage and Dr. Tsing look at each other and sigh, putting a fighting Harper into a cage, making me breathe a sigh of relief thinking it was over, when they opened my door. Harper mouthed a 'thank you,' when I got a look at her.

I was locked onto the table when Dr. Tsing started to speak, "Don't worry this won't hurt." She cut into my flesh causing me to flinch, the pain wasn't that bad, but I knew it would get worse, She started to talk to cage, clinical and betraying no emotion. "The hop has the largest marrow pocket. We'll begin the aspiration there-"

"I don't need the details just do it." Cage spoke over her.

Dr. Tsing turned around to face him, and in an assuring voice said, "Your father will come around, Cage."

He was silent for a few seconds, "And what if he doesn't?"

"We just want to go home." Harper whimpers.

"I know." Cage tells her. "So do we."

Harpers voice was barely a whisper as her eyes looked at me, her eyes clouded over in fear. "Please... We just want to go-"

Harper was cut off by the sound of a drill, and me screaming as it was turned on, drilling into my hip, I could feel the blood pouring out, and over the table, the sticky fluid making the sensation much worse. It felt like a ball of fire was constantly rolling around, dragging itself around and around my hip, setting it on fire, sparks from the flames going down my body.

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