Chapter 32- Screams at the Ocean

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Talia King's POV

It has been two days since Monty got here, for Harper and I, longer than that. When I was taken to the table, with them about to do my spine, I heard the drill, their voices went dull as they cut open my back, that was when I stopped believing we would be saved, not from the drill, not from the cages, and most of all not from Mount Weather.

3rd Person POV

Bellamy and Maya was in the harvest chamber, Bellamy hanging upside down.

"Who are you." Maya asks, "You're from the Ark, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Bellamy said, blood continuing to rush to his head.

"Do you know Jasper?" Maya questioned, her mind straying away, thinking of him.

"Maya?" Bellamy gasped, "How about getting me down, Maya?"

Suddenly Lovejoy entered, causing Maya to stop helping Bellamy get down. "Lovejoy, Hey."

"What are you doing here? You're not cleared for this facility." Lovejoy tells her.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see what was so special about him, but..." Maya looked over at the pulse monitor, "he's dead."

"So he is." Lovejoy went over to the button, lowering him down, making the motor create a whirring noise. Lovejoy looks at Maya as he undid the chains around Bellamy."You're a brave girl coming in here-"

Bellamy kicked him in the face, effectively cutting off his statement, and throwing him backwards, Bellamy finished unchaining himself, before Lovejoy got up pointing his gun at him. "Don't move! Don't move. On your feet. On your feet."

Maya grabbed a stick shoving it in Lovejoys neck, causing him to drop his gun to rip it out, screaming quietly. He slashed Bellamy's arm with the stick, and shoved him into a cage.

Maya saw the gun on the floor, and picked it up, pointing it at Lovejoy, "Stop!"

Bellamy took the time that Lovejoy was looking at her to punch him in the stomach and turn the fight around so Lovejoy was the one against Echos cage. Bellamy started to choke him and Lovejoy dug his fingers into his eye, Echo grabbed his other wrist so he couldn't stick his other hand into Bellamys eyes. Soon enough Lovejoy was dead, the light draining out of his eyes as he slumped, his back dragging against the cages as he found himself on the floor, Bellamy continued choking him shaking him, until he saw that his eyes was staring unseeingly up at him.

Soon Bellamy was in Lovejoys uniform. "You've done enough. You should walk away."

"You don't know where you're going." Maya reasons with him.

"So draw me a map." Bellamy suggests.

"No." Maya says. "I'm in."

"Okay. I need to get to the radio so I can contact Clarke." Bellamy looks at Maya. "We heard Jaspers SOS."

"I helped them set that up. I know where it is. Bellamy... Your people are disappearing, three so far- Monty, Harper..." Maya paused looking at his face to see his reaction, if this was the guy Talia was on about. "And Talia. I thought they'd be in here, but-"

"I want to see the others. Now." Bellamy orders her.

"The dorm is on the way to the radio." Maya, understood that this was the guy that Talia was on about, you could see the panic in his eyes when she said that Talia was missing.


"Wait. Everyone here knows everyone. Put this on. Roll up your sleeve." Maya peeled off the badge, gave him a hat and grabbed a something for the corner.

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