Chapter 17-Forest Goners

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Trudging through the woods was difficult, I was thankful Bellamy took my pack off me when he did, otherwise I probably would have fallen over, then they would have made me go back to camp, and I didn't want that, like at all.

"How long till we are there?" I whined, feeling exhausted.

"Not long now." Clarke assured me, walking in front of Bellamy and I.

Bellamy handed me both the bags. "Put these on then jump on my back."

I did as Bellamy said. When I was up, I felt safer, with his hands holding my thighs I felt at home.

"Are you sure I am not too heavy?" I brushed my lips against his ear.

"No, angel, if anything you're to light." Bellamy ran up to Clarke making me giggle lightly.

"Hey Clarke! Look I am taller than you both now!" I spoke, looking down at them.

Clarke looked up and smiled at me.

"You know the first dropship is going to come down soon." Clarke ducked under some low lying branches Bellamy copied going lower making my arms wrap tightly around him, "pretty sure you can't avoid Jaha forever."

"I can try." Bellamy replied and leveled up with Clarke.

"The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere." Clarke stopped in front of a lake that was surrounded with damaged buildings.

"There's gotta be a door." Bellamy looked around.

"Maybe he'll be lenient." Clarke was cut off.

"Look, I shot the man Clarke. He's not just going to forgive and forget." Bellamy pauses, glancing up at me, my eyes probably looked tired. "Lets just split up, cover more ground. Stay within shouting distance."

Clarke walked away.

"If you want, you can sleep." Bellamy told me.

I just shook my head and lay my head down on his back.

Later Bellamy was crouching down removing hay from on top of something, I was on my feet, by my own choice.

"Bellamy! Talia! Over here! I found a door!" Clarkes shouts broke through the comfortable silence.

Bellamy started climbing down the hill, his hands behind him. "Hold my hands." Bellamy told me, I did, Bellamy helped me down the steep hill. When we was at the bottom we saw Clarke trying to open the door, so we went over. I knelt down, and uncovered the door, revealing metal.

"Ugh! I think its rusted shut." Clarke tells us.

"Here. Watch your foot." Bellamy helps me up and away from the door, then kneels down and started hitting the door with a hammer like object. "Ok. Give me a hand."

We all pulled the door open and Clarke went down first. Bellamy motioned for me to go down next.

"Here." Clarke handed a flashlight to Bellamy, and I stood next to Clarke.

"Really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?" Bellamy asked.

"A girl can dream." Clarke shined her flashlight around her, looking at the walls. "Cmon."

We stopped on the stairs and Bellamy covered my eyes. I hated how he was treating me like a child!

"Hell of a place to die." Bellamy moved me away from the skeleton making sure I didn't fall.

"I am not a child, I have seen people die, I don't think one skeleton would scare me." I removed Bellamys hands from my eyes.

"So much for living down here, this place is disgusting." Clarke spoke as she made her way through the bunker. "Damn it."

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