Chapter 23-Breathing Nightmares

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Talia Kings POV

The brightness blinded me, wincing my eyes were forced to squint, after a few seconds I could open my eyes and see properly

"They need to stay hydrated." Clarke told Finn, starting to sit up.

"You need to stay hydrated." Finn told her, pushing her back down gently, Octavia leant forward, passing her a metal cup, which obviously had water inside of it.

"Speaking of staying hydrated, can someone pass me some water." I asked. Clarke tried to pass her cup over to me, which I refused. "You need to stay hydrated Clarke."

Octavia went and grabbed another cup, which she placed in my trembling hands.

"Okay. Them, too. Please?" Clarke glanced up at Finn and Octavia.

"It's okay. I'll do it. Just rest." Octavia told her, walking away.

"I'll help you." Murphy got up from his seat by the dropship wall.

"You need to save yourselves." Clarkes uneven breathing made it difficult to understand her, as she spoke to Finn. "Just leave camp. Take anyone healthy enough with you."

"If you think that's even a possibility, you don't know me very well."

"I know you." Clarkes eyes started to shut, and she finally got a well deserved sleep.

"Look at this rate, when the Grounders get her, there won't be anyone left to fight back." Murphy said walking over to Finn.

"That's the point." Octavia helped someone drink a metal cup of water.

"Then we slow them down." Finn quickly walked out of the dropship to outside.

"MInd filling me on what's happening?" I asked Octavia, slowly getting up to help others.

"You sure your well enough to help?" After I nodded Octavia explained what was happening. "The grounders used Murphy to give everyone a highly contagious illness, that would weaken the battle field."

"Oh... Okay." In my head I thought it would be something super heroic, but nope, everyone's just ill.

I helped a few people but then decided to go help with making bullets, as it hurt for me to squat down, I left a cup of water next to Clarke and left.

"And that's a big if- That bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather." Bellamy told them, in the bullet tent.

"It won't survive me." Ravens confidence astounded me.

After a while Raven, Monty, Finn, Jasper, Bellamy and I was at the Exodus Crash site, I went up with Raven to hold everything she needed.

"Please don't let me blow up, she muttered before collecting the hydrazine.

Then we was back at camp, Raven was working on the bomb, the rest of us outside because it was 'dangerous'

"Okay you can come in now." Raven called through the tent flap. "Boom!" I jumped slightly.

Bellamy pulled me back and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, "That's cute."

"Relax." Raven told me, "It needs an accelerant-gunpowder. Container of hydrazine. Put the gunpowder around the hydrazine. Hit the bull's-eye.. Win a prize."

"Its the rest of our gunpowder. Wont be able to make anymore bullets." Bellamy rested his head on top of mine.

"Tonight we need a bomb. We can worry about bullets tomorrow." Finn told Bellamy.

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