Chapter 7-Sparks in my eye

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Talia Kings POV

I woke up on the bottom floor of the dropship to Jasper moaning and groaning, Clarke started to climb down the ladder. I got up and started to walk out, and rounded the corner of the dropship, I had to lean against the dropship to get my breath back, It was starting to throb again. Murphy throw a knife at the tree. "It's that damn kid, he's messing with my head."

"Or you are just shit at this." I spoke. Murphy and Bellamy glanced up at me.

"It won't last for must longer, we just have to think of a new excuse," Bellamy muttered to Murphy, perhaps hoping I wouldn't hear him. "You shouldn't be out here," Bellamy chucked the knife towards the tree, "your knee is still healing." He walked towards me with Murphy behind him, "You have to go back to the dropship."

"No, I feel just fine, so why bother Clarke, Jasper is far more important." I shook my head. as he walked over and grabbed his knife from the tree.

"Go inside the dropship,"Bellamy ordered me, sighing when I shook my head, and scooped me into his arms.

"Bellamy, put me down!" I whined, trying to wiggle myself out of his arms. Bellamy just laughed and got a tighter grip on me as he climbed up the ladder one handed.holding me with the other. "How the fuck are you doing this?"

Bellamy placed me down in the room, "Stay here."

"Not as if I have a choice." I said indicating to towards the ladder.

I was irritated already by Jaspers moaning and groaning, when I heard that Bellamy was going to be leaving camp, I was ecstatic, and then I remember I wouldn't be able to go as well and I wouldn't be able to get down via the ladder.

Clarke glanced up at my as she was treating Jaspers wounds again, "You know, he clearly cares about you."

"Nah," I dismissed her, "He just thinks of me as a friend, if at all."

"Talia, he wouldn't have carried any of his friends of here, just to stop them from walking around camp." Clarke told me, as Jasper moaned in pain extremely loud. She leant towards Jasper's torso, before speaking "The grounders cauterized the wound, It saved his life."

Suddenly Finn appeared and walked round to the other side of Jasper. "Saved his life to string him up as live bait."

"This is infected," Clarke told Finn and I, "could be septic." I thought about what septic could mean, but I i came up with nothing.

"Any progress from using the wristbands to contact the ark?" Clarke asked Monty who was close to where I was standing. Monty was just quiet. "Monty!"

"It would be a firm no." Monty relied.

"I'll help." I lifted my injured leg off the ground before sitting down, I just ended up falling over with a loud thump to prove it, Monty pulled me up to a sitting position, "Have you tried taking the wristband off in another place?"

Monty nodded slightly, "Just once, could I try on yours?"

I put my arm out for him to take it off of. He quickly got it off, and it continued working for a few seconds, and then "Dead," Monty told me, I made a motion for him to pass it to me and he did.

"Surely there's a way for it to come back alive." I pushed down on one of the buttons that I figured was the pulse. and started to press down on it. I ignored the conversation that was going on behind me.

"I'm not going to like this am I?" Monty asked Clarke. he got up and helped hold him down.

I just continued trying to revive my wristband, occasionally it worked but wouldn't keep saying alive. I tried to ignore Jaspers pained screams, which brought back my pain.

"Should I help?" I asked them

"No, your too weak," Clarke told me still concentrating.

Octavia climbed up the ladder with Bellamy behind her.

"Stop it, your killing him!" Octavia screamed running over to the side of Jasper.

"She's trying to save his life." Finn told her, still holding Jasper down.

"You can't." Bellamy said. Miller stared at Bellamy really close to him.

"We didn't drag him through a mile of woods just to let him die." Clarke put her input in.

"Kids a goner," Bellamy walked closer to them, "if you can't see that you diluted. He's making people crazy."

"Sorry if Jasper is an inconvenience to you." Clarke looked up from working, "But this isn't the ark, down here, every life matters. Besides, you didn't think Talia was a lost cause."

Bellamy started looking around, as if looking for something, "Octavia, I spent my whole life watching my mother heal people, If I say there's hope, there's hope." Clarke told Octavia, hoping she would agree.

"This isn't about hope, it's about guts, you don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do, he's been like this for three days, if he's not better by tomorrow I'll kill him myself." Bellamy walked away.

"Bellamy," I said, and he looked over at me, "I have been like this for three days as well, if you kill Jasper then you have to kill me as well."

"You are not like Jasper, your situation is better, and you are not making people crazy." Bellamy said as he climbed down the ladder, "Octavia lets go."

"I'm staying here," Octavia spoke from Jasper's side.

"You should go, Talia." Clarke told me, basically shooing me away.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I need to talk to them, and I don't want you to hear it, you're to young for this, besides, you need to strengthen you muscles, I found some crutches, use them. they are downstairs." Clarke explained, I knew it was because she didn't want me in the room, so I made my way to the ladder, Octavia ran over before I got onto the first rung.

"Let me go down the bottom and I help you." Octavia told me, I must have looked hesitant so she just slipped around me and went down the ladder. "K, I'm at the bottom, Start making your way down!"

I put my foot on the first rung slowly, using my good leg to stay stand, then grabbed the ladder with my hands and put all my weight on my hands, causing me to fall. and Octavia to fall as well. "Sorry Octavia!" I quickly got my apology in.

"It's fine Talia," She smiled before getting up, grabbing the crutches and helping me up.

Clarke appeared at the top of the ladder while I was still laying down. "You girls okay?" I nodded, Octavia called out yes, and Clarke disappeared.

"You gonna be okay?" Octavia asked me, helping me figure out the crutches. I nodded and she went up the ladder, I started to hop my way out of the dropship.

A/N 1171 words, sorry I didn't update yesterday or the night before that, but I was vomiting, so all I did was read fanfiction, I feel better, but am still feeling bad, Hope you enjoyed this chapter with a bit of protective Bellamy in it.

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