Chapter 6-Magnificent Nobody

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Talia Kings POV

I was lying In Bellamys arms, feeling weaker and weaker, I could only see through the small gap between my eyelashes, I could only hear, I could only assume we had arrived back at camp, as Bellamy had yelled "We're back!"

He must took me straight into the dropship, I heard shouts of over there as he carried me in, "The're alive, I need boiled water and strips of clothes for bandages.

Bellamy placed me down on the floor and then left, but not before stroking my hand with his thumb. 'Must have been a accident' I thought to myself.

"Who's hungry!" Bellamy yelled from outside, there was shouts of 'yeah Bellamy' and lots of cheering.

After a few minutes Clarke went outside,"They are both stable, but without medicine-" Clarke stopped, "they're taking off their wristbands for food? No way, I won't do it,"

"You don't have to," Finn spoke up from besides Clarke, and I heard footsteps go away from the dropship entrance but not a second, so one of them must have left.

"Whoa, Whoa, wait." I heard someone say from quite a distance away, "What, do you think you play by different rules?"

"Thought there was no rules," I heard Finn again, he must have been the one that walked away.

I decided it would be a good I idea to get up, so I bent my knees, screaming when I bent my bad leg, It hurt way too much, the stick had been removed, the pain balled up in my leg and traveled up to my head in a fast moving fire, the pain exploded in my head with a blinding whiteness. I heard rushed footsteps. Clarke appeared, seeing my shaking form as I was sobbing then I saw Finn,, "We need to get her up higher, somewhere where there is more light," Clarke told Finn, "my stitches must have came loose when she moved." Clarke grabbed ahold of my feet and told Finn to grab my arms.

Suddenly another figure appeared, but I couldn't see them due to how much pain I was in. "Bellamy." I heard Finn, "what are you doing here?" I felt another pair of arms go under my back, to where head goes and the other arm go under my thighs.

"Helping, obviously," Bellamy told them, I was lifted up off the ground, causing me to scream again, then placed on a table, "Has, she- have they eaten?"

"Not yet, when Jasper is awake he will eat. It might be hard for Talia to eat though, because of how much pain she's in, she most likely has a patellar fracture." Clarke said, rummaging through things, the others must have looked at her in confusion, and someone grabbed my hand and started to stroke shapes on it, it was actually calming me down. "She probably has a broken kneecap."

"She needs to eat." Bellamys voice rung out. I drifted into a once again dreamless sleep.

Bellamy Blake POV

"No, she needs her knee sewn up and a makeshift cast." Clarke stared at me, almost daring me to tell her otherwise.

Truth was, I was concerned about Talia, she was always getting injured and into trouble, and I couldn't stand it, I liked her, but there was nothing I could do to make her feel better.

"I need wire, some a need or something like that and something hard with a hole in the middle, that her leg can fit in." Clarke told Finn.

"I'm going to get her some food, she needs to eat." I told Clarke, "And I need to check on Octavia."

"I need you here, you can help hold her down. stitching her wound back up with hurt, a lot without the right things.

"If it's going to hurt her, then I don't want it done to her." I hissed to Clarke.

"I knew you liked her, but this will help her knee recover." Clarke smirked at me.

Finn appeared again but with wire and a small needle. "Will this do? I couldn't find that hole thing."

Clarke nodded and told us to hold down Talias arms and legs, but not to hard as we might break them. I held her hands and stroked her hand with my thumb, muttering words like "Its okay," and "Never going to leave your side." Clarke kept having to tell me to concentrate on keeping her still, I hate this, I don't want to watch Talia in pain, but I have to, I want her to have the best recovery possible.

"Okay, it's done." Clarke told us. I looked down at Talias face and saw the tears that was pouring out of her eyes as she slept.

"Will she be able to eat now?" I asked her, I was really worried because Talia was too light when I lifted her up, around the same weight as Octavia when I gave her piggybacks.

"She won't be able to eat a lot, she most likely only manage a few bites, and she might regurgitate it during the night." Clarke told me and I ran off to grab food for her. I grabbed one, and ran back into the dropship.

"Talia?" Clarke woke her up. "You gotta stay awake now."

I went on the other side of Clarke and Clarke started to push her back into a sitting position. I put the food in Talia's hand. She shook er head. "I'm not hungry." She tried to push the food back into my hand and when that failed she tried Clarke, Clarke took it gently off her.

"What are you doing!" I asked Clarke. Clarke put the food to Talias lips. "I want at least half of that eaten," I told Talia, giving her no room to disagree, although Talia shook her head.

"That's quite a large amount, Bellamy. She wouldn't be able to eat all that, Talia want you to eat a third of this, you haven't eaten since we landed and if you're not careful your stomach might start to digest itself. Talia took it out of Clarkes hand and gently bit into a small section. Her face looked disgusted. "Bellamy make sure she eats a third of this," Clarke told me and went over to Jasper.

"Why are you doing this?" Talia looked up to my face. "I'm just a nobody."

I wanted to tell her the truth, I wanted to say it was because I had a crush on her, but I wanted it to be the right time before I said anything. "A magnificent nobody."

She laughed and then looked shocked at herself, I was shocked as well, "That's the first time I heard you laugh," I told her, Her laugh was adorable.

A/N 1125 words and took me ages, lots of Bellamy in this chapter. I will we updating about once every school day twice on the others, I got this week off due to may half term so yay!

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