Deleted Scene - Aftermath: Between a Father and His Daughter

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Everyone silently filed out of the room after the Hokage had gave his final word. There was many thoughts going through their mind as they passed through the threshold of the Hokage's office. Some were in complete shock while others appeared thoughtful. None of them really knew how to take what the blonde genin had said to them.

For most of them, when they arrived to the Hokage's office that day, they hadn't expected nothing more than a mere briefing. However, after what they had seen today and what had been revealed, many began to rethink their own lives. One thing was for certain.....many perceptions and viewpoints had changed that day. Whether it was for better or for worst, was to be determined.

No one's mind was plagued more with such thoughts than Hinata. For the most part, the indigo-haired genin was lost. She did not understand. While she was undoubtedly happy with her future, she couldn't help but think about her blonde crush. She comprehended what his future self was saying, but why not tell her? Even if they couldn't exactly be seen together, she at least deserved to know that her feelings had been reciprocated instead of leaving her guessing. The fact that he would even wait that long slightly upset her.

Then there was the other thing. Their future. She didn't know what was more mind-boggling. The fact that she had married the guy of her dreams or the fact that he had married another. The latter, she regarded with confusion and uncertainty. Would that type of relationship even work? Of course, she was slightly familiar with polygamous affairs. The village had a Clan Restoration Act after all. However she didn't expect herself to participate in such situation.

Her mind then traveled back to Naruto. She honestly felt sad for him. When his future self told her of why he didn't pursue her in the first place, she felt her heart break. Whether it was the mere fact that he had said it, or the fact that it was the truth, she did not know. It touched her deeply that he cared for her that much, however. Throughout the entire time they watched their future, Hinata finally realized that he hid so much from the world.

Behind that bright smile, was so many things. She could finally see his sadness. His hatred. His anger. And finally, his loneliness. The fact that he was bottling those things up inside himself and masking it behind a grin, saddened her even more. Behind her ball of sunshine were clouds of gray. And she couldn't do anything about it.

Hiashi looked down at his daughter who was currently looking straight ahead. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she had a thoughtful expression on her face. He was a little surprised when she didn't leave with her team. He had expected her to go with Kurenai once they left out of the building. However, she hadn't spoken to her since they left the office and followed him into the village. But looking at her current state, he could assume that she probably hadn't realized herself. It's not like she was really paying attention to her surroundings. He wondered if she even realized they had left the building.

His own eyebrows furrowed at that. As a clan heir, he had always taught his daughters that they were to always remain attentive, despite of what was going on around them. It was an important practice, not only as a clan head, but as a ninja. He continued to watch his daughter who remained thoughtful. After a couple of minutes, the Hyuga clan head finally spoke.

"Hinata?" Hiashi called in a monotone voice.

Hearing her father's voice snapped her out of her musing. She looked up to be met with his usual stoic expression. His face was unreadable and his gaze cold. Hinata looked back down at her feet. She began to press her fingers together, something she did when she was nervous.

"Y-Yes, father." Hinata said nervously.

"You should not be deaf in your surroundings." Hiashi lightly admonished.

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