The Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc: Diffusion and Extermination

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Hails of rock and fire fell upon the island of Uzushio as their enemies closed in on the island. It was nearing the fifth day of invasion and Uzushio's forces had been forced back onto the island. The king was now dead and word of Prince Arisu's betrayal had reached the ears of the remaining troops.

The siege reigned day and night, not allowing any of the shinobi any rest or time to plan. It didn't take long for them to realize that their enemies were trying to tire them out. It seemed that they were really putting that Uzumaki longevity to the test. Currently, many of the remaining shinobi and residents were trying to stay low to ground due to the shower of fire and rock that was befalling their country. Unfortunately, not all were spared and they've lost nearly 50 lives to those types of attacks.

In the Uzukage tower, the Sandaime grimaced at what was happening. They were now forced to fight inland due to the enemies dominance over the seas. Over the past few days, he had been watches his forces slowly dwindle. They had already been reduced to 1,600 men and still counting. It didn't help that he had lost his eldest son and his second eldest was no where to be found.

He was pulled out of his musings when a figure appeared before him in a swirl of leaves. He had long, brilliant red hair that fell down his back with a few strands of white hair, marking is approach to old age. He wore the traditional dark gray shinobi pants with a long sleeve shirt under dark green armor and a pair of shinobi issued sandals. He bowed the Sandaime with respect and stood at attention as he waited for him to speak.

"Report." Keito said.

"All civilians have been evacuated." Ashina reported. "We are now ready to execute evacuation plan B."

Keito nodded as he relaxed into the Uzukage chair. "I take it that Daisuke already given you list of evacuees." he stated.

"Hai." Ashina answered.

Keito nodded once more before he abruptly stood from his chair. He moved from behind his desk and walked in front of Ashina. "I leave them in your care, Ashina." he said as he offered his hand.

Ashina looked down at it before taking it in his grasp and giving him a forearm handshake. "I won't fail you or Yondaime, Sandaime-sama." he said.

Keito said nothing as he released him. He ran a hand through his short hair as his eyes traveled to the circular case that was sitting on his desk before they turned to look out the window. It would be long before their enemies moved further inland into the main village. They would seize and destroy what's left of it until they reached the city. Once the city is conquered, they would invade the small shinobi village. Once that was subdued, they'd practically captured the whole island.

The Sandaime grimaced as he turned to face Ashina. "You know, this is not how I'd imagine Uzushio to fall." he said with bitter chuckle. "I know that all good things must come to an end, but I didn't think we would end this early. I thought Kami would have at least given us another century."

"Maybe we have done something to offend the Gods." Ashina said.

Keito sighed at this as he turned to face the window. "No, Ashina. I do not think this is the will of the Gods." he said. "This is the will of those with the earthly equivalent of divine power. This is the will of those with greater influence who don't want that influence threatened."

"Shall I report what has happened to Konoha?" Ashina asked.

Keito was quiet for a moment. "No." he finally said as he turned to look at Ashina. "They have abandoned us, therefore, we are no longer allies. Besides, I'm sure they will know by the time the enemy is done obliterating us."

"Then what would you have me do when I get everyone out?" Ashina asked.

"Protect those you can from the outside and try to maintain contact with everyone." Keito answered. "Daisuke thought that Kushina would be fine in Konoha so don't worry about her. And don't bother coming back here after you leave. This place will be gone by the beginning of next week."

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