The Fuyutama Clan

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The Fuyutama Clan was originally from an island northwest of the Lightning Country and were not far from the Land of Frost. They were forced to leave their home after Kumo sent forces to invade and capture the clan for their bloodline. Survivors of the war with Kumo went west into the Earth Country and settled in its eastern mountains. As sellers of animal skins and furs, the clan quickly adapted to the local fur trades, popular commodities in both the Lightning and Earth Countries.

When it was revealed that there were surviving members, the clan had to flee their newly settled home after Kumo and Iwa signed an alliance during the Shinobi Wars. Evading their hunters once more, they were able to settle somewhere south of the Earth Country in unnamed territory. They continued to sell their furs and animal skins, however, they had to do so more covertly. After the Third Shinobi War, the clan traveled within the unclaimed territories, too afraid to settle in one place and too focused on their growing fur trading network. It was through their traveling that they were able to run into the Seiya clan, who were nomadic peoples from east of Mizu no Kuni that had been traveling for years.

The Fuyutama clan often enjoyed to hunt for leisure and loved furs and animal skins. When they settled in Uzushio, they were known for wearing different types of animal furs as coats, boots, belts, and other clothing and accessories. They also were traders of leathers and skins. Their participation in the fur trade made them quite wealthy and known throughout other fur trading networks.

The Fuyutama clan have the ability of bloodline replication, meaning that they can modify their own genetic code directly through blood, chakra connection, or sexual reproduction and utilize the kekkei gekkei. While bloodline replication is not permanent through blood or chakra connections, a bloodline can integrate into the clan without issue through sexual reproduction. If the person is skilled enough, they wielder can recall a previous bloodline they've come across or even use multiple kekkei genkai at a single time.

The Fuyutama clan can also use ancestral chakra, making their chakra potent. In its early years, a ritual was performed by its founder that spiritually tied descendants of the clan to the souls of the deceased. Through the use of nature chakra, yin chakra, and senjutsu, members are able have access to a second source of chakra, increasing their chakra pools. Due to large usuage of spiritual energy in their techniques, many members focus on their physical training, so that they can maintain their bodies physically to balance with their spiritual energy and allow them better accept the extra chakra that enters their bodies.

They also meditate a lot to better their focus and concentration. If a Fuyutama doesn't train properly, they could risk the fate of death when trying to practice clan techniques. Along with this, the clan practices spirit summoning, something that takes many years to master and perform.

The Fuyutama clan are also weapon forgers. They build and create many different weapons that can only be rivaled by the Hausa clan. Like the Hausa clan, Fuyutama clan creates many different types of weapons. Unlike the Hausa clan, they make their weapons for clan members only. Many pray over their weapon before wielding it in battle.

The Fuyutama clan are the guardians of the temple of the Winter Spirit. It is at this temple that they pray and are blessed by this spirit. A priestess and miko are always designated from the clan to Shepard the temple and perform whatever rites or prayers that must be made. Since their departure from their homeland, the Fuyutama had not been able to follow the clan's spiritual practices. However, when settled in Uzushio, they rebuild the temple in the cold mountains of a southeastern sub-island with the help of the Hyōryū Clan.

The Fuyutama live in the snowy mountains north of the Fujirano main island. They are one of the 10 noble clans of Uzushio. Fuyutama members are often seen with white, gray, or silver hair and the clan head and family bears three claw looking marks that covers the right side of their face and starts just below the eye.

(A/N: These ideas were greatly inspired KamiYomi and Kazeyo from Naruto Fanon Wiki. Special props.)

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