ANBU Kitsune Arc - Small Beginnings

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Naruto tried to roll over, but realized that he couldn't. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he felt warm arms wrapped around him. He frowned. Slowly opening his eyes, he realized that he was not in his bed and most importantly, he was not at home in his apartment. He was currently snuggled up into a pair of soft mounds that he concluded was the chest of a woman. He began to sit up as he remembered what happened last night. After he had been.....violated in that alley, he had woke up in that woman's bed. They had a rather heated argument before she brought him to bed and forced him to go to sleep.

He looked over at the woman that was sleeping beside him. She was lightly snoring and covers were pulled down to her stomach, revealing her bare chest and upper body. Her hair was all over the place and there was light drool falling from the corner of her mouth. He lightly frowned as he stared at her sleeping from.

Naruto didn't understand her. Why would she go through the trouble to help him out? Why didn't she just leave him were she found him? Everyone else did. Had it been anyone else that found him, he would have been left there or even worse. He could have been dead. He looked down at the clothes he was wearing and his face contorted into one of disgust. That was what he was feeling at the moment. Disgusted with himself at what they did to him. How could have let them corner him like that? He had gotten away before. What could he have done escape this time?

His eyes traveled back to the woman in bed. She was an enigma to him. There had to be some catch for her to , dare he say, save him. There had to be something she wanted. He quickly learned that most of the time, kindness wasn't free and that everything had a price, no matter how small. He was going to shake her awake when he noticed a small marking at the center of her chest, at the top of the valley of her breasts.

Wanting to get a closer look, Naruto silently moved closer to her, straddling her stomach to get a better look at it. It appeared to be some symbol of a leaf with a weird looking swirl on it. The marking looked similar to the picture on the hitai-ate's he saw ninja wear on the metal plate. He wondered what it was for and why it looked different from the other leaf symbol he normally saw.

When Anko opened her eyes, she was immediately met a familiar tuft of bright yellow hair. Looking down, she noticed that he was sitting on her stomach and was looking at something. Following his line of sight, she noticed that he was staring at her chest. Flushing red in embarrassment and anger, Anko socked him in his head, causing him to fall to the side with an 'oof'. Anko glared at him as the boy began to sit up in the bed once more, sending her a glare as he rubbed the top of his head.

"You damn perv!" Anko yelled angrily. "What the hell were you doing!?"

Naruto ignored her question and pointed at the leaf tattoo that was on her chest. "What is that?" he asked.

This caused Anko to pause and she looked down at what the blonde was pointing at. Her mind seemed to click in recognition at the sight of her tattoo and she looked back at the child who was looking at her expectantly. She gave him a light glare before she spoke again.

"It's an ANBU tattoo." she answered.

"What is it for?" Naruto asked curiously. "It looks different from the symbol I see on Konoha's hitai-ate."

Anko raised an eyebrow at this comment. "It's a special mark given to those who are apart of the ANBU Corps." she replied.

"You mean the ninja with the animal masks that I see around my apartment sometime?" Naruto questioned.

"You've seen them?" Anko asked, trying to mask her surprise.

"Yes. Dog-san and Weasel-san are more of the frequent visitors." Naruto informed. "They sometimes come at night or try to hide during the day when I walk around the village."

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