The Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc: The Night the Whirling Tides Stopped

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(About a year later.....)

It was a peaceful night in Uzushio. Stars illuminated the sky and even the roaring tides of the whirlpools seemed calm. The island was overtaken in darkness with the dim lights of the capital still aflame. The residents on the island were fast asleep for the night, invisible 'Z's' fluttering about the air.

A small distance away from the island, stood a dark figure upon the water. He scrutinized the village carefully, feeling everyone's chakra at ease except for the few that guarded the village gates and ports. The figure frowned at this. He thought they would have been better prepared than that.

He could feel the thousands of chakra signatures surrounding the village and he smirked. With a deep breath, he brought his hands together. He bit his thumb before he began to run through a mixed set of hand seals. When he finished his final seal, he slammed his hands onto the water and began to pulse his chakra.

"Uzumaki Secret Art: Pathway of the Seas!" he said.

The ground supporting the ocean began to glow and sealing matrix appeared, spreading around the island and growing onto the island's shores. A minute later, the whirlpools around the island began to stop and the waters went silent. The figure smirked. Doing a few more hand seals, he shot a fire ball out of his mouth and into the air, giving those behind him the signal. He only had three minutes to get them in before the whirlpool began to reform.

The guards that were guarding the gates, narrowed their eyes at the fireball in the sky. It didn't take them long to notice that the whirlpools had stopped as a well. The head guard at each station sent a hand signal to their men, letting them know to sound the alarms and alert the rest of the village. As they did this, an army of black silohuettes began to dash across the water from miles away, attempting to rush onto their shores. They didn't even notice the forces that were coming from the North of the island.

Daisuke's eyes popped open at the blare of the alarm. He immediately sat up in and looked toward his wife that was lying beside him and stirring as well. She blinked a few times before her pupil-less sky blue eyes landed on his violet ones. She instantly became worried at Daisuke's troubled expressions.

"Daisuke...." she said as she sat up.

"Get the kids and stay with them." Daisuke said as he got of bed and began to put on his battle clothing. "Hayato will probably be by to drop the grandchildren off."

Kaya got out of bed as sell and dug in her drawers to get her clothing. When Daisuke was finished getting dressed, he walked up to Kaya who had just finished putting on her dress. His eyes softened when he saw the small frown on her face. He gently grabbed the bottom of her chin and raised her head, making her look him directly in the eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before Daisuke pulled her into a strong, but gentle kiss.

"I love you, Kaya." he said as he pressed his head against hers.

A tear escaped her eye as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her head into his chest. She felt his arms embrace her back, holding her tightly. They knew it was coming. They hadn't known when, but they were expecting it. Kaya closed her eyes and held onto her husband like a life-line. A sense of dread filled her as she felt as if she were saying good-bye.

"I love you, too, Daisuke." she whispered.

Their little moment was interrupted by the sound of an explosion. Daisuke looked down at his wife with sadness as he reluctantly pulled away. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving out of their bedroom and making his way down the hall.

"Tou-san?" he heard a small voice call to him, causing him to pause.

He turned around to see his second youngest daughter, Sango standing in a pair of shorts and a shirt. She looked confused as she wiped the sleepiness from her eyes. She looked a lot like her great-grandmother, Atsuko, with her blue eyes and scarlet red hair. Her hair was styled in an A-line lob and there was a blue rhombus marking the center of her forehead. She stared at her father who dressed in his battle armor.

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