The Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc: Calm Before the Storm

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(13 years after the First Shinobi War.....)

It was a beautiful summer day. Skies were clear and as blue as the ocean that reflected it and the sun blessed the day with it's warmth, smiling upon those who inhabited the earth beneath it. Vibrant eyes drunk in calming view from a large window. In the distance, they see the tidal waters forming a whirlpool that was one of many of its kind.

The owner of these observant eyes sighed in contentment as he walked away from the windows view and his gaze returned to the office he stood in. He sighed as ran a hand through his short, red locks. It was around 9:00 in the morning and he was still waiting for his morning tea. He looked around the room that he had been reporting to for nearly two decades. Even after all these years, it still looked the same as when his father ruled before him.

The wooden floor was waxed and shined with the Uzumaki clan symbol right at it's center. Newly furnished chairs, futons, and couches outfitted the place and an ornate desk made of guayacan wood was situated near the northern wall. Behind the desk, was a long bookcase filled with books and there were smaller bookcases on each side of the entrance door.

On the other side of the room, was another large window that gave him a good view of the shinobi village and the capital city. His eyes lingered on the capital before they returned to his desk that sported a kage hat on it. He walked back behind his desk and took a seat, groaning as he looked at the stacks of paperwork that was sitting on the floor beside him. Unlike the day before, the stacks were shorter now and less intimidating.

He pushed his kage hat to the side and grabbed a set of documents from the pile. After placing it on his desk, he opened his desk drawer to grab a pen. His violet eyes lingered on a certain circular device before he grabbed his pen and closed the drawer. He lightly hummed as he began to go through the documents.

A few minutes later, the Uzukage heard a knock at his office door, catching his attention.

"Come in." he said.

The door opened and a jonin entered the room before closing the door. He had short red hair with sky blue eyes and fair skin. His facial features were soft and he had a lean body build. He wore the traditional light blue jonin vest with the nation's emblem patched on the shoulders of his uniform. He stood at around 5'7" in height and was around 20 years old in age. The jonin walked toward him and stopped a couple of feet from his desk.

"Uzukage-sama." the jonin greeted with a 35 degree bow.

"Jonin Uzumaki Hayato." the Uzukage greeted back. "Report."

"The mission to seal the demon was a success." Hayato reported. "The priestess Miroku definitely appreciated our help with the sealing. She even offered my team and I a place to stay during I our time there and sent us away with a lot of goods and valuable items."

The Uzukage nodded. "Do you have it with you?" he asked.

"No." Hayato answered. "I actually put it away in the Uzukage vault. However, you might want to go through it sense a lot of the items dates back many years. She also sent us a lot of information concerning the demon Mōryō and a few other demons as well as a lot of priesthood texts and scripture. There were a whole bunch of other things I didn't get to look at, but I figured you and the elders would want to organize that yourselves."

The Uzukage nodded as he opened his bottom drawer and pulled out a log book. "For the information, I want 50% of what she paid to have the sealing work done returned to her." he said as he began to write something down.

Hayato's eyes widened a little. "Why?" he asked dumbly.

The Uzukage looked up into the jonin's eyes with a stern expression on his face. "Son, as you continue to learn and grow, you will realize that information is more valuable than any capital wealth." he said before he looked down at his paper and continued writing. "Besides, you and your team will still receive payment for the SS-rank mission so do not fret about it."

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