Uzu No Kuni: Leadership and Responsibilities

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The chain of command of Uzushio is unique from other countries within the known Elemental Nations. While Uzu no Kuni does have a daimyo, it is not ruled by the daimyo. Instead, it is ruled by the Royal family. Every other position of leadership answers to the Royal family and are given different responsibilities and duties to fulfill throughout the nation. These are the following:

The Royal Family

The Royal Family are descendants of the founders of Uzushio's founding family. They are lead by the King and Queen of Uzushio. The Royals are tasked with the responsibilities of maintaining order within the nation and its territories. They ensure the well-being of the citizens of their nation and supervise all functions of their government.

The Royal Family are given the role of being hosts to foreign and domestic dignitaries, and are responsible for ensuring national stability and continuity. The King and Queen are given absolute sovereignty and exercises the highest authority and power in the state. Only the King and Queen has the power to override and overrule laws of the council. Anything involving the national security, policy, or general well-being of the country, has to be reviewed and approved by leader(s) of the Royal Family.

The position of King or Queen regnant are inherited and must be from the Uzumaki clan. Other royals are required to perform public and charitable service as well as help the King and Queen strengthen national unity and stability. They may act as representatives of the crown and take on official responsibilities.

The Royal Family often represent the King and Queen at important events and functions to strengthen diplomatic and economic relations. The Royal Family also plays an important role in supporting and encouraging the public and charity sectors. A large range of these organizations - covering every subject from education to hospitals to housing - allows members of the Royal Family to meet people from a wide spectrum of national and local life, and to understand their interests, problems and concerns. They also recognize and support the military forces, paying visits to shinobi and samurai that serve at home and abroad.

The Daimyo

The Daimyo is second in the chain of command in Uzushio's leadership. They are responsible for overseeing the economic and military sectors of the nation. They are in charge of military funding and advise the King and Queen concerning diplomatic relations. The daimyo is also given governing power of the nation and hold the second highest degree of political power in the nation.

The responsibilities of the daimyo include overseeing alliances, maintaining the annual budget, and decide the privileges allowed in the shinobi village and training posts. They also have a major voice in decisions made concerning the country and is in constant communication with the Royal Family.

The Daimyo only answers to the royals and also has the ability to change and override laws. The selection and appointment of new kages and territorial leaders is also a power given to the daimyo. Although the Uzukage chooses their successor, if the current kage dies or is indisposed, the daimyo chooses the next kage at the advisory of his committee, the Uzushio council, the Jonin Commander, the ANBU Commander, and the Hunter-nin Division General.

Like the Royal Family, the daimyo has a responsibility to ensure the general welfare of their country. The position of the Daimyo is also nepotistic, meaning that the position can only be filled by a member of the Uzumaki clan.

The Uzukage

The Uzukage is the leader of Uzushio's shinobi forces and military. They are responsible for the organization and training of the military. They have power over all shinobi matters and the military answers to him, including the Samurai division. The Uzukage assigns troops to different military posts through out the nation and abroad. He is also responsible for assigning missions to his shinobi.

The Uzukage is recognized as the most powerful shinobi in their country like most kages. Their primary concern and responsibility lies with the military and makes sure that his soldiers are trained effectively and that they have the proper resources to sustain quality training. They have control of all military functions and decision-making, and has the final say in all military matters. They only answer to their superiors, the Daimyo and Royal Family, and they oversee all treaty-signing ceremonies or important public events.

All Uzukage are required to be fūinjutsu grandmasters and actually have to fight their predecessor as well as the Jonin, ANBU, and Hunter-nin Commanders to earn their position. They have an shinobi advisory council that helps him make decisions and review issues and concerns involving the military. The legal age to take the position is 17.

The ANBU Commander and Hunter-nin Division General

They are in charge of the ANBU Black Ops and Oinin Corps. They only answer to the Uzukage and have an active role in his council. Both commanders are in charge of assigning missions and distributing shinobi of their respective operations. They appoint their successors with the approval of the Uzukage and operate as shadow divisions. The commanders are also have control over who joins their corps and sets the requirements for enlistment.

The Chief Adviser

The Chief Adviser is the Uzukage's right hand man and also served as the Jonin Commander. Whenever the Uzukage is on vacation or has to leave the country, the Chief Adviser takes his place and acts in his stead until his return. As the Jonin Commander, the Chief Adviser is responsible for assigning and monitoring Jonin senseis, the organization of Jonin exams, and the appointment of special jonins.

The Uzumaki Clan Head

The Uzumaki Clan Head is the leader of the Uzumaki Clan. They are responsible for the well-being of the clan and maintaining relations with the Royal Family and Daimyo. The clan head is required to be a fūinjutsu grandmaster in order to take the position. The Uzumaki Clan Head represents the Uzumaki clan on the Shinobi Council.

The Shinobi Council

The Shinobi Council serves as an advisory council to the Uzukage. They are comprised of all of Uzushiogakure's Clan Heads. The ANBU Commander and Hunter-nin General are also members of the council who only participate when they are needed.

The Elders and Civilian Council

The Civilian Council acts as representatives of the civilians, handling civilian affairs and are responsible for all civilian matters. They are only summoned when the topic discussed relates to civilian matters and are not allowed to intervene in shinobi related matters. The civilian council includes representatives of Sora-ku and Nami no Kuni, who have a voice in all matters, unlike the rest of the council.

The Elders are a small group of veteran shinobi who also acts as advisers to the Uzukage. They give input based off their experiences on the field and are well respected shinobi. They impart their wisdom to the subject of discussion and play an active role in military supervision. In the case of war, they are one of the first shinobi chosen to lead military units.

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