ANBU Kitsune Arc: A Captain's Disgrace

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Team Sigma rushed through the trees with great speed as they continued toward their target. They were traveling in a vee formation with Kitsune in the lead. They had been tasked with tracking down and eliminating a large group of bandits that had been attacking locals near the Fire Capital. As of recent, the Fire Daimyo's youngest daughter had been kidnapped and held ransom by the leader of the group. The mission was considered SSS-rank due to the hostage situation. Chief said that he wanted the task done quickly and quietly with no survivors. Since assassination and infiltration was one of Team Sigma's specialties, they were sent for the job.

It took Team Sigma two days to arrive at the borders of the Fire Capital. The gates were guarded by samurai and Kitsune could sense a few ninja in hiding that had been stationed there. Kitsune went through a couple of ANBU handsigns before Team Sigma broke formation and sped off in different directions. Kitsune continued toward the city gates and stopped in the forest line before the clearing. The samurai stood there like statues, their eyes scanning the area for any intruders or threats.

A guard of ninja hid within the city wall, just as alert. Kitsune sighed. He could have placed a genjutsu over the area, however, he didn't know how many ninja would be able to dispel it. He also didn't know how many guards were within the walls. Disappearing from the treeline, the blond reappeared near one of the back walls where security was less heavy. Using his sharingan, Kitsune using his intangibility ability, he phased through the wall, entering into the village. Masking his chakra signature, Kitsune stealthily made his way through the city toward the daimyo's mansion.

Once he got pass the guards, Kitsune moved through the building, making it to his office. It didn't take much to pick the lock of the room and slip in. He was surprised that it wasn't more secure than it was. Zoning on what he was assigned to do, Kitsune began to carefully go through his things. When he finally found what he was looking for, he slipped the folder out and laid it on the expensively made wooden desk. From the looks of it, it looked like mahogany wood, something that was not common found and was usually sold through the black market.

Kitsune frown as he went through the documents. The daimyo had been sending payments to these men for the pass few months. It was only recent that he payments began to increase in sum. His eyes narrowed at the most recent payments. The daimyo had not been able to pay them - more like he refused. By his guess, he deduced that the group didn't take this too well and retaliated. Now they were ransoming him for thrice the amount of money he was supposed to pay them. Kitsune frowned once more. What in the hell was the daimyo doing? Most importantly, why would he be making payments to a group of bandits? What in the hell was going on?

He was about to continue his snooping when he felt a chakra signature heading towards his location. Reorganizing the files and placing the folder back in its proper place, Kitsune disappeared from the room before the door opened. The daimyo walked into his office, flicking the lights on before making his way to his desk. Unlocking his desk drawer, the daimyo pulled out the same file that Kitsune had not long ago. He placed it on his desk and opened the folder, going through his documents. Grabbing the ones concerning the gang of 'bandits', the daimyo grabbed a lighter and burned them. It was his mistake for getting a gang of hoodlums to do his dirty work. Next time, he would just have to speak to the Hokage himself, although he preferred not to. In the window, Kitsune shook his head as he phased out of existence. He would never understand politicians and their games.


Kitsune watched as he bandit camp burned with his blue fire. Everyone was slaughter, whores, bandit, and prisoners alike. Their orders was to leave no one alive and to only retrieve the daimyo's daughter. Something in him clenched as he watched both the guilty and innocent be erased from this world. 'So this is what our world is like....?' Kitsune said as he finally turned away. He was not ordered to lament the dead. He had mission and he would see to it that it was completed.

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