The Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc: Forsaken

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Thirty-seven year old Hiruzen Sarutobi hummed as he took a drag of his cigar. He relaxed in his chair as he exhaled smoke from his mouth. He glanced over at the window that overlooked the village he swore to protect. His wife would kill him if she knew he was smoking again. It was a nasty little habit Sarutobi men seemed to adopt. It seemed they couldn't escape the clutches of nicotine and evasion would leave them wanting more. Perhaps it was a trait he had picked up from his mentor, who had alcoholic tendencies.

He sighed at the thought of his predecessor. If only he could see how much his granddaughter grew to be like him. He chuckled before closing his eyes and enjoying the small peace and quiet. A pile of papers sat at the side if his desk, but the Hokage ignored it. He was lost in his own little world when his door suddenly crashed open, causing the man to drop his cigar on his thighs.

"Oy! What's up sensei!" a white-haired 19 year old male exclaimed as he barged into the room.

"I told you to knock." a young blond woman scolded as she entered the room. "You should have more respect for the Hokage, idiot."

"Mou, Tsunade-chan. Why must you be so mean to me?" the male said with fake tears.

"Good afternoon, sensei." a pale man with gold eyes greeted as he shut the door behind him.

Hiruzen mumbled something under his breath as he dusted his pants of the cigar plume that covered it. He stubbed out his cigar on a small ashtray before clearing his throat and turning to his three students. He small smile graced his features at the sight of them. It seemed like it was only yesterday when they were mere genin taking the bell test.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru." Hiruzen greeted. "Good afternoon."

"So why did call us, sensei?" Jiraiya spoke. "I was busy ya know."

Tsunade's eye twitched in annoyance while Orochimaru rolled their eyes.

"Can I kill him?" Tsunade asked Hiruzen.

"No." Hiruzen answered before turning to Jiraiya. "I have a mission for you all."

Jiraiya's expressions became serious and he nodded to the Hokage. Orochimaru and Tsunade seemed to straighten as well. All three jonin looked at their sensei attentively as the old man went to light up another cigar. After took a drag of it, he turned to his students, looking each of them in the eye.

"I want you three to go to Grass Country and meet with a spy there." Hiruzen said as he opened his desk drawer and reached into it. "I want you to give him this scroll in exchange for the one he has for me. You are to leave immediately."

Jiraiya caught he scroll that was tossed to him before giving it to Orochimaru who raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"So the rumors are true." Jiraiya grimaced.

Hiruzen nodded with a sigh. "Yes." he replied. "As you know, the First Shinobi war ended with a ceasefire due to the damage that the Great Nations suffered under it. Over the past decade, however, several nations has been plummeting further and further into economic recession. Of course, such economic disparity among the nations is bound to cause problems."

"So what is happening?" Tsunade asked.

Hiruzen turned to look at her. "When economies become unbalanced amongst nations, the inequality inevitably causes problems to arrive and people begin to look for ways out or begin to demand their government officials to fix it." he began.

"When those with power see such chaos and tension in these nations, while some ignore it, others seek to take advantage of it." he said as he looked at everyone of his jonin.

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