Timeline: Historical Events

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This is a part dedicated to the major pre- and post- the start of the canon. This will cover the Warring States Period, all the way up to the canon timeline. Some of this information is stuff I made up by myself. This is the timeline I use during  my backstories,  the Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc to be  specific.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Age of Samurai

This is the time period in which samurai were the soldiers of each nation's military. It is based strong off the Meiji and Edo Periods of Japan.  This period lasted over a thousands of years, even before daimyo existed. For more information about what this period was like, look up medieval and pre-modern Japan.

The rise of the Rabbit  Goddess

It is the period in which the Otsutsuki Clan came from the celestial heavens and inhabited the earth, planting the Ten-Tails' and creating the God Tree. This focuses more on Kaguya Otsutsuki's history and her rise to power. This takes place over a course of a few years.

Kaguya's Reign

This historical event focuses on Kaguya's time  as the "Goddess" of the Earth. It is during this time period, we learn about how she ruled and the birth of Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki   as  well as background about the Kaguya Clan and Otsutsuki Clan.

The Fall of  Kaguya Otsutsuki

This is about Kaguya's downfall  and the events leading up to it. During this short time  frame, Hamura and Hagoromo grow to develop their own ideas and eventually overthrow her, sealing her and the Ten-Tails' away into the moon. Hagoromo   becomes the first jinchuriki before creating the Bijuu and Hamura starts his own family on the moon.

Age of the Rikkudo Sennin

This time period takes place a little over a thousand years ago before the start of the series. Hagoromo begins to teach other humans about ninshu and his philosophy of peace. During this time, he travels the world, spreading his teaches before settling down in what is now known as the Land of Fire and having a family of his own. This is the time frame in which Ashura and Indra are born and grow under the tutelage of their father.

The Rise of Shinobi

It is the period in which Indra's creation of ninjutsu spreads across the continent and the birth of the rise of shinobi as the main military power. This is  also the time where the number of samurai declined due to the introduction of ninja warfare. The great Samurai nations eventually fell and the great shinobi nations began to rise in power. Different clans began to appear during this time frame and the ninja arts made it's debut.

The Warring States Era

This era takes place a few centuries before the creation of ninja villages. It was a time period in which nations were in constant battle for land, power, and opportunity. It was a time were mercenary clans (ninja) were seen as the most beneficial source of fighting and clans only fought for their own interest, their loyalties  going to the highest bidder. There was constant warfare and death, and life expectancy was low. This would be considered the later parts of the rise of shinobi and decline of the samurai.

The First Shinobi War

This is the first great war to take place a few years after the creation of hidden villages. This war lasted 4 years.

The Second Shinobi War

This the second great war to take place  after the  creation of hidden villages. This war took place 20 years after the First Shinobi War and lasted 6 years.

The Third Shinobi War

This is the  third great war to take place after the creation of hidden villages. This war began 10 years after the Second Shinobi War and lasted only a year.

The Nine Tails' Attack

A year after the end of the Third Shinobi War, the Kyuubi no Kitsune was unleashed upon Konohagakure. After escaping it's jinchuriki with the help of an outside influence, it went on a rampage  throughout the village until the Fourth Hokage sealed it into an infant. Both the Yondaime  and the previous host of the Nine Tails' died in the process of sealing it away.

The Konoha Crush

Twelve years after the Kyuubi Attack, Suna and Oto invaded Konoha during the Chunin Exams. This invasion was led by Orochimaru of the Sannin.

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