ANBU Kitsune Arc: Team Sigma

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Naruto sighed as gentle fingers ran through his sunflower-colored locks. The woman beneath him chuckled as he relaxed into her, pressing his body closer to hers. Naruto was currently cuddling on a futon with one of the beautiful women at the Garden pleasure house. She was a gorgeous woman with exotic features, having white hair and gray eyes. She had clear, alabaster skin with rose pink lips and a petite frame. Many men nicked named her Snow, but to Naruto, she was Eki-nee.

Said woman was mostly naked as she dragged her decorated fingernails through his sunny hair. He hummed into her skin, wrapping his arms around her waist with a light purr. Eki giggled at this. She knew he was going to be a ladies man in his older years. She would see the slight fascination in his eyes as whenever he came to the brothel and he was a cuddle bug, loving to be embraced and always desired body contact. Since she known him, she deduced that it was probably the attention that he craved the most. She didn't see makings of perversion that was seen as young males grow.

For Naruto, it was more a maternal need. A woman's touch that all children needed from the time they came out of the womb to when they reach their age of maturity. The thought slightly saddened her. The poor child was so depraved that he held onto her and her 'sisters' like a life line. It was heartbreaking to see a child so needy.

"Eki-nee?" Naruto called out, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Why do you, neesans, and niisans do what you do with all those men and women?" he asked honestly.

Eki paused at this question. It was one of those rare moments when Naruto would ask her questions like these. And she always answered honestly, quickly learning that the blond didn't appreciate people who lied or hid things from him. But, knowing his story, she could understand. His question hadn't even surprised her in all honesty. Hell, she would have been surprised if he hadn't asked by now. Naruto was a curious child and when someone as young as him is surrounded by men and women doing sexually explicit activity, you tend to wonder and ask questions about it. She slowly resumed to her gentle stroking as a sly smile formed her lips. She curled her arm around the child until he was nuzzled right between her breasts.

"You know what shinobi do, ne?" Eki asked and Naruto nodded his head.

"I just joined the ANBU, nee-chan. Of course I would know." he said.

Eki just chuckled at this. "Alright, smarty pants, then what is their purpose?" she asked.

"Shinobi are trained to protect the village. They are trained to become sacrifices for the village. And they are trained to kill for the village." he said a bit coldly. "We are conscious tools who chooses duty to the village over themselves."

Eki slowly nodded her head. "Right...." she said a bit quietly. "And how do they do that?" she asked.

"They use jutsu...." he trailed off for a bit before speaking much clearer. "But they also use tactic and strategy. They have to be cunning, crafty, and ruthless. They have to sacrifice the lives of others as well as themselves to protect the village and complete the mission. And they torture, seduce, sabotage, and infiltrate to get information on other villages." he began to explain.

"We are like pet monsters." Naruto said, earning a raised eyebrow from Eki. "Being a shinobi, you are equally loved and villified in the village, although some may lean more toward one side of the spectrum or the other. But all in all, it is still the same. We are soldiers led by a dictatorship."

Eki remained quiet, soaking in his words. She honestly didn't know how to respond to it. Sure, his words were harsh, but she couldn't refute what he said nor would she try. Shinobi were a common sight in the red light district. Pleasure was always a enchanting siren who's lustful call was insatiable. There were some who tried to escape the world they lived in. Then, there were some who just wanted to have fun, enjoying life while it lasted. She could remember the stories her mother would tell her when she was young about the war. There were some on the frontlines that could never recover.

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