Kaze no Kuni

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Wiki Description

The Land of Wind is one of the more prominent countries in the series. It is located to the south-west of the Land of Fire and borders the Land of Rivers and Amegakure. Its government leader is the Wind Daimyo. The country covers a vast realm, but is significantly composed of deserts and thus has little productivity. Because there is very little rainfall throughout the year, the people of the country live in villages built on one of the desert's many oases. Despite the country's extremely harsh environment, it has a large population. Although they have warred with each other in the past, the Land of Wind is now on good terms with the Land of Fire, with a great deal of trade going on between the two countries. 

The "Sand Dumpling" is regional speciality of the Land of Wind. A unique characteristic of the Sand Dumpling is the soy flour, which is prepared especially to resemble sand. They apparently taste very good.

Leader: The Wind Daimyo

Capital: The Wind Capital

Village: Sunakagure

Important Location(s): The Demon Desert; 

Currency: Ryo and yen

Industry(s): Glass Production, Mineral Resource Mining, Spice Trading, and Medicine (poisons)


Kaze no Kuni has a desert terrain with several oases. Approaching the borders, are several wooded areas. Several canyons and dry valleys decorate these lands and the country receives little precipitation and has few water sources. The climate of this country is arid. The weather is dry and sunny, but is very cold at night. Sandstorms are common in this region and the forecast is very windy.


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