Uzu No Kuni: Education

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In Uzu no Kuni, children start school at the age of six. All children attend a regular academy that is located on each island, where they learn general studies. After two years of basic education, students are given an option to attend one of three types of academy: ninja academy, samurai academy, and regular academy. For the next four years, they are coached and taught the standards of each academy before they continue their chosen profession.

Because of the highly advanced curriculum of the education system, students do not have the same teacher after their second year of education. Depending on the type of academy, students will have a different teacher of each class/subject. Each academy has a Headmaster and Board of Directors that are responsible for creating effective curriculum and learning standards.

During the summer of their third year, academy students are required to attend a summer camp that is designed to better help them adjust to their chosen career path. The type of summer camp depends on the type of academy the students chosen. These camps usually last the whole summer and provide food, housing, and basic needs for those in attendance. They do have a week where parents are allowed to visit. Other than that, students are usually away from home.

General education is most often found in regular academies, also known as civilian schools. The curriculum for their academy focuses on core classes, general courses, government and history, trade and business, career-oriented classes, and extracurricular activities. After four years at an regular academy, they are allowed to pursue higher education and even start an early career.

Uzushio has a free education system. Schooling is funded by the country's government and local communities. The only thing they requires money are fees for supplies and housing (in the case of higher education). Everything else a student may need is free.

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