The Namikaze Clan

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The Namikaze Clan are clan that hails from a country called the Land of Cyclones, a land west of the Western Wall. They were apart of a minor shinobi village called Taifugakure. After a coup'dtat by one of the clans of the village, the Namikaze clan fled the village with only half of their former population. After they managed to get across the wall, they became a nomadic clan.

Due the clan wars, the clan was often caught in the crossfire and sometimes had to evade capture attempts. Years before the founding of Konoha, the Namikaze was in conflict with a local clan near the borders of the Earth country. The battle was intense. Due to the Namikaze clan being greatly outnumbered, they lost. Only three people survived the conflict and managed to escape. After a while, their numbers dwindled down to two remaining members.

The two Namikaze settled in a small town in the Grass Country before they started a small family. Ten years later, disease struck the village, orphaning many children and leaving only one remaining Namikaze. The girl's name was Arisa, daughter of Raido and Kaya Namikaze. After wondering on her own, the young Namikaze was finally able to settle in a town in the River country, working for a local baker.

The Namikaze Clan highly skilled clan in the ninja arts and were extremely fast. Their intelligence can rival that of a Nara and are often marked by their blonde hair and blue eyes. They have an ability to use a kekkei genkai called Swift Release, an elemental combination of wind and lightning. They also have an technique called Flash Step, which allows them to move so fast that most think its a form of teleportation. The variation of the technique is called slipstream, which is a mixture of space-time ninjutsu and pure speed. The slipstream is considered a bloodline due to the technique being physically impossible to most humans.

Once Naruto rebuilds the clan, the Namikaze Clan become holders of the Hiraishin Technique and all of its variations. The fighting style the clan uses is called the Arhat's Fist, a technique that focuses on speed, fast strikes, and adaptability. It was adapted to the clan's bloodline and a taijutsu counterpart to the flash step. It also leaves room for the "Wind Dance" a taijutsu technique that grants the user to speed by using small gusts of wind.

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