ANBU Kitsune Arc: A New Journey

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Kitsune sat at his desk, completely exhausted. He was cursing Kuzai to his grave as he found himself dealing with loads of paperwork. It was now 10:00 at night and he had just finished organizing and signing off on reports that the Hokage would later have to review. He actually felt sorry for the Old Man. Kitsune would choose a 100 days worth of missions over a 100 days worth of paperwork. Shit was just that bad. And oh so annoying.

The commander sighed as he relaxed into his chair. He closed his eyes and took a breather, allowing his buzzing mind to calm. He stayed like this for a while, enjoying the quiet. After a couple of minutes of relaxation, he finally opened his eyes and he stood. As he stretched his limbs, his eye landed on the red journal that sat on his desk.

"Hm." he grunted as he grabbed the journal and sat back down.

His hand over the cover, tracing the swirl symbol on its cover. On the right side of the journal, read the newly recognized name. 'Uzumaki Kushina......' the commander said as he ran a finger over her name. Thinking about his mother, brought a pang to his chest. He had had her journal for several days now and hadn't picked it up to read it yet. Part of him was eager to read what she had written. He wanted to know what she was like and how she saw the world. However, the other part of him was scared. What if she was completely different from the woman he had imagined? What if she didn't love? That last question was what bothered him most and he lightly gulped, fighting the feeling of pity that had tried to take his reigns.

He had stared at the book in his hand once more before his hand moved to pull the cover to the right, revealing a little girl with a teddy bear in her hand. She had red hair that stopped at her shoulders and she wore short shorts with a red shirt that had a white swirl symbol on it. Standing beside her, was another kid that looked at few years older than her. He wore a hitai-ate with a swirl on it, had a large scroll on his back, and had short red locks that that stopped at the nape of his neck. Like the girl, he had fair skin and the boy seemed to be grinning in the picture. He pulled the photo from under the paper clip that held it and flipped it over. On the back, were two names: Kushina and Kensei-nii.

Kitsune raised an eyebrow at the last name before flipping it back over. Upon further inspection, he could see the similarities between the two. The only difference was that his eyes seemed to be a darker shade of blue while Kushina's eyes were violet. Noting that he had been looking at a picture of his mother and uncle, the commander placed the picture back were it was before his eyes traveled to the left page. It was here that, he began to see handwriting. The kanji were sloppy, but still readable. It look like it had been written by a child. He slowly began to read, anxious to read its contents. (A/N: Please note that they read right to left, not left to right. Just a point of reference.)


May 5th

Ohayo, journal-san. My name's Kushina Uzumaki and I love ramen, dattebane! Kaa-san made some last night and it was the best batch, yet! Hatsuko-nee says I shouldn't eat so much of it or it will ruin my figure, but I never understand anything nee-chan says. Kensei-nii says that I should just ignore her, so I do. Nii-chan's the best.

I'm from a place called Uzushio and my father is the Uzukage. Awesome, right? I know that nii-chan's going to be next in line which is a bummer. But, tou-san said that if I work hard enough, I can become something better than an Uzukage, I can become a queen. When I asked tou-san what that was, he said that they were rulers of entire countries. I got so excited that I danced around the house, saying that I was going to be queen. I eventually fell down the stairs and hurt myself, and kaa-chan fussed at me about it. It was boring getting lectured, but kaa-chan get's really scary when I don't listen. Sometimes, I felt sorry for tou-san.

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