Uzushiogakure: The Academy

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Uzushiogakure is a ninja village located on a small island at the center of Uzushio. It is the home of the Uzukage Tower, the Shinobi Administration, the nucleus of mission distribution, and location of the Academy Residential District. While there are a few training grounds on the island, most training grounds are located on other islands and each ground gets assigned a team. Most importantly, Uzushiogakure is home of the Shinobi Academy, overseen by the Uzukage.

Children enter the Academy at the age of eight and begin their ninja training. Due to the difference of distance from the main islands, students that attend the Academy live in the Academy Residential District. Four students are assigned an apartment and each room is divided by gender. Students are expected to maintain their rooms and follow the rules given to them.

Every weekend, students are allowed to go home to their families and return to the island at the beginning of each week. Living in the dorms are both optional and advised. Because of the Academy's schedule, living on campus is recommended by most instructors to keep students from traveling great distances daily.

As mentioned before, students that attend the Academy do not have one teacher. Each class is assigned a counselor that is responsible for collecting and organizing every individuals' record. They also serve to help their students whether it's on an emotional or physical level. Counselors act as each class's supervisor and are the person parents meet when invited to Parent Night to check the progress of their children. They also act as a guide and track their class's progress both as a group and as individuals.

Everyday, school starts at 8:00 in the morning and ends at 4:00 in the afternoon. There are after-school sessions that are held for specific fields or classes and students are practically given autonomy to do what they want after class. The curfew for everyone to return to their dorms is 9:00 and every has to report to their room leader by curfew. Most of these practices serves as part of preparation for the shinobi field.

The Ninja Academy Schedule

Mondays: Lessons are focused on history, geography, and theory.

Tuesdays: Physical Training

Wednesdays: Lessons are centered on a core class

Thursdays: Weapons Training

Fridays: Testings

Graduation Requirements

1.)  Students have to know the basic Academy ninjutsu (kamawari, bushin, and henge). Any type of bushin can be used during this test.

2.)  Students have to be able to perform a C-rank ninjutsu of their own element.

3.)  Students have to be efficient in shurikenjutsu.

4.)  Students have to pass the Bunny Test.

5.)  Students must be able to climb the 'Stone of Hell' with their chakra without running or jumping.

6.)  Students must be able to last at least 3 minutes in a fight with a chunin (usually their counselor) before they can receive their hitai-ate.

After graduation, students are officially ranked genin and are assigned a jonin-sensei. Whether their jonin tests them is their decision. Genin teams are required to perform 50 D-rank missions before they are allowed to have any mission C-ranked or above.

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