Reference • II

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~~~ A brief intro to all the new characters can be found here ~~~

~~~ All the new Turkish words that I have used in the book are also mentioned here ~~~

~~~ Hope there won't be any confusions 😊 ~~~

~~~ If you guys need the description of any other character/word or phrase in this story, feel free to comment or send a message ~~~

~~~ I will be updating this part if new characters are introduced in the story ~~~



1. Omer - Demir's lawyer

2. Melissa - The manager of the ship

3. Emily - Works as a junior bar-lady | American intern

4. Azra - The head chef on the ship

5. Damla - Experienced bar-lady

6. Soner - Businessman | Works in a tourism company 

7. Berk - A security guard on the ship

8. Mehul - Idris's classmate | Stout kid

9. Theo - Idris's classmate | Blonde 

10. Lekha - Nuri's aunt | Hari's wife

11. Hari - Nuri's maternal uncle 

12. Rafael - Gun dealer | Used to work with Demir



1. Teyze - Aunt

2. Enişte - Aunt's husband or brother-in-law

3. Kolay gelsin - A Phrase usually meaning- 'May your job be easy'

4. Seni seviyorum - I love you 

Last Edited: 5th January 2021

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