Majora's War - Chasing the Sun

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Malon was still asleep, but having soaked a cloth in the Fae waters, they cleaned her up as best they could and freed her of the slime. She stopped stirring and seemed to sleep peacefully. Ganon took her on his back and they departed the valley. The pillar of fire was an enigma to them, being seen only by Ganon, but with his instance they followed it. The pillar of fire moved at a walks pace across the ground a few strides ahead of them. It burned nothing in its path, and the path it took was different from the one they had used in coming this far. None of them knew the path the pillar took.

They rested for the night. Malon awoke with the morning, screaming and crying, having the attack in fresh memory. She was assured all was well, and of how the battle over her went, though not a word was said of Ganon's final transformation. Ganon's clothing was largely torn and burned, so whether she came to a conclusion of her own was unsaid. She found the dragon marvelous and made high-pitched squealing sounds that hurt Ganon and Link's ears upon seeing it and wanting to touch it, much to the dragon's annoyance. It tightened its coil around Ganon's arm tighter and tucked its head between its own body and Ganon's arm.

They continued on for the second day and into the third before the pillar of fire led them out of the forest. They had seen no Fae nor protected races along the way, but as they left the forest they saw a great many peoples.

Before them were multiple armies.

In the center stood a small army of ten-thousand Soran and other clansmen. Towards the north stood a larger army of Majora and other clansmen. To the east stood ten-thousand bearing the armor and flag of Qin. To the west were the small gathering of red-haired Dragmire and just in front of the Dragmire, encircled on all sides, were a single line of Fae in their weaponized shells.

The armies had not come to blows, but they were ready to.

"What the Farore did we miss?" Link gasped.

Ganon gulped, "I think I might know. This must be handled delicately."

They walked towards the Dragmire first, and Malon ran into the midst of them and embraced her mother. Along with the Dragmire were two Qin and three Majora.

"What is happening?" Ganondorf asked them.

The Majora stepped forward and bowed, "Beta! It is good you have returned! The Majora have largely settled the civil dispute between us, but the Soran gathered all they have to march and slay your people, the Dragmire! They call for blood and revenge and say that to let the Dragmire go free is to set demons on us all!"

"I understand," Ganon replied. He put a hand on the Majora's shoulder and had him rise. "That is how we felt towards the Qin as well, and there is some truth to the Soran's claim. I am what I am, but I hope to fix that and transform the Dragmire into something different." Ganon looked to the Qin and asked what they were doing there.

The Qin saluted and said, "Lord Dragmire, Commander Matsubi would send his regards were he to know you are here. We have seen the unrest and come this way to make his stance stance known. If the Soran are to attack your clan, then they will face the retribution of Qin as much as Majora."

"Even though that means tampering in our affairs?" Ganon questioned.

"Please, my lord, do not think ill of us. Matsubi wishes what is best for both of our peoples. I have been in his council and Matsubi knows he is breaking the promise to stay apart, but he cannot, in good conscious, watch as friends and allies tear themselves apart. He would rather face the dishonor and support you without permission from the Qin state than to have done nothing! If you must think so, then consider this Matsubi's stance rather than Qins, but Matsubi does this believing it to be what the high princess would want."

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