Dragmire's War - Demon

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-Elder Fae, Royal Palace-

The Elder of the Fae watched the huma as they toiled. Their craft and hands were barbaric and crude influence on nature compared to his own. They worked against nature to tame it and force dominion, while he worked with it, influencing it, so that it might work with him in turn. Compared to him, they might as well be sowing fine silk with a sledgehammer.

"It will not grow as you wish if you insistently break its roots." Elder spoke up.

Zelda sat nearby, watching and relaxing. A few servants were trying to help in the garden of the Fae. The keyword being: trying. Zelda found the craft of gardening a curiosity and took a break to watch.

Elder couldn't figure why, it was disgusting.

The servants bowed and stepped away as Elder approached. He reached a wooden hand towards the soil. He could just leave his wooden construct and become one with the soil directly, but they would learn nothing. He gave himself a substantial handicap to hopefully let them be a smidgen better. He dug up around the plant much further around then they were, and he lifted it.

"See the roots? They spread far and wide. You must also dig far and wide as well."

"But, Master Fae, then we would interfere with the other plants." They argued.

"If you wish to force your will on a garden, then you must go through with it. The earth does not feel pain, so it is pointless to treat it like it does. If you wish to plant them in such a way that they do not interfere with one another, then establish that plan from the beginning. You have already failed in this, so either uproot them all and start over, or go through with what you have started. You do not have the tools or skill to weave each root, so sacrifice should be made to do it your way."

Elder placed it before them and walked off.

Zelda smiled. "You seem irked."

"I cannot understand your people's pension for gardening. You have no skill in it."

"Our gardens are not as beautiful or harmonious as yours, but they are a beauty all their own."

"You cage beauty and call it yours. The flowers in your pots are corpses. It is not life. Your gardeners have all the skill and grace of a clumsy dragon trying to be a wood smith with head cold."

"I agree, but it is what we have." Zelda shrugged.

After a time, Zelda flinched and looked at her hand. She started to sway. She leaned back against the chair and closed her eyes.

"Something the matter?" The Fae asked.

"I... I don't know. I am feeling drained. Weary. I know it is past time to sleep, the sun is long gone, but I had not felt tired till now..." She sighed. Her head swayed wearily and her eye lids fluttered.

The Fae approached and looked at her hand. The mark on her hand was unusually dim, but another triangle on it was lit, one not usually lit except in the presence of Ganondorf.

Then the triangles disappeared entirely and Zelda collapsed, unconscious.

"Princess? Daughter of Naryu?" Elder asked. He held her limp body delicately. Fae in the garden rose and flew around them worriedly. A few fluttered close enough to almost touch, but Elder brushed his wooden hand up to move them away. No Fae should touch a mortal. "Go. Find the mortal doctors."

As the Fae flew to alert the doctors, Elder returned his attention to the Princess. A root brushed her neck, and from it Elder felt her heartbeat was erratic.


Link fell to his knees and panted. The moment Ganon yelled out, Link felt most of his stamina be cast to the winds. It was like he had run for miles and carried great weights. A thick liquid fell on his neck and Link tpuched it to find blood dripping from his head. Also cuts appeared on his arms, legs, face, back, and chest that were not there before. The worst ones opened and blood dripped from his open wounds.

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