Kyou's War - Slave

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"When he was thirteen years old, King Zhuangxiang died and Zheng succeeded him as king of Qin. As the king was still young and had just ascended to the throne, he entrusted affairs of state to his chief ministers. A revolt had arisen in Jinyang..." - Records of the Grand Historian

-1 year later-

-Temple of Trinity-

Impa entered into the temple. She saw Zelda at the far end in prayer. Impa shut the door quietly and dropped to her knees.

"You called for me, Princess?"

Zelda continued her prayer in silence. Impa did not say anything further, content that her presence was recognized and that Zelda would talk when she was ready, even if it took all night.

Thankfully it did not. Zelda rose and walked to her. "Impa, it is just us. There is no need to be so formal."

"You know I insist upon it, though."

Zelda sighed but still smiled in mirth. She found the formality with the woman distasteful, but it was necessary as a monarch. "I have received a vision from the Goddesses," Zelda started. "In it, I saw the land of Hyrule. The Goddesses rose and laid their robes from the west to the east. Standing at the top of the nation were the Goddesses, and before them were three people. The Goddesses each touched one of the people and said 'you are my champion'. The first champion I recognized as myself. The other two, I did not recognize. I have my thoughts on this dream, but do you have any insight?"

"I think it is beyond me to comment on the will of the goddesses."

"Hm," Zelda hummed. "And what of my half-brother and chancellor Ketsu?"

"Prince Kyou has not yet returned from his trip. Chancellor Ketsu is quiet, but several of his rivals... and your supporters are disappearing. Two were found dead in their homes last night and another five are missing."

"That makes ten now. Ketsu is becoming bold."

Chancellor Ryo was her supporter in court while Chancellor Ketsu supported Prince Kyou. It may look even, but Ryo was a far stronger faction holder than Ketsu, and Kyou was no longer the legitimate heir. A kind of truce rose twelve months ago, but Ryo left one month ago to personally take charge of a long term project. Ryo's absence left Zelda exposed.

Zelda continued, "We best prepare for the worst... without Ryo, what protections can I rely on?"

"At present... there are no armies or generals near the capital I believe would side with you. General Ouki is near, but he is not the type to take sides. The nearest general who would offer you protection is to the west."

Zelda sighed. That did not bode well. Most armies would be stationed near the border. The palace army was the royal guard, but a thousand elites wouldn't be enough against a real army.

"How long before we can expect Ketsu or Kyou to move against me?" Zelda wondered.

"Depends on how long before the council gets wind of the disappearances. Once your supporters learn they are being killed, they will flee from you. Because the fact is..." Impa hesitated. "You cannot protect them."

"I have the power."

"May I speak openly, Princess?"

"Always. It is just us."

"You do not have the power. The power of a monarch is in her assets, and you have no one you can truly call your own."

"Except you."

"Except me." Impa agreed. "The fact is that despite how all of Qin swears allegiance to you, this is a weak allegiance. In a civil war, the people will side with Ryo or Ketsu or Kyou, not you. You have been High Princess only a year, a very short time, and you have been safely kept behind closed doors with teachers. Your presence and achievements are... non-existent thus far. A monarch is only as strong as those who will follow against all others."

Kingdom of Power, of Courage, and of WisdomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ