Dragmire's War - Duel of Fate

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Ouki Mitagi brought the Spear of Nayru hard against the Sword of Ghirahim, thus beginning their clash. With just that one swing, Ouki overpowered Harken. Harken, as well as his horse, was thrown to the side, and the horse barely managed to find its footing as it slid across the ground.

The Qin cheered.

"Your weight has grown light, Harken Dragmire," Ouki taunted.

Harken grunted and narrowed his eyes at the man, "We shall see. My blade is drawn. Now the curse will ensure one of us dies."

"I failed to die to that curse the last time you drew it. I fail to see how you think it will help this time."

Harken swung his sword. Ouki blocked it and retaliated with a thrust of his spear. Harken narrowly evaded the jab by turning in his seat, the blade cutting only his hair. Harken tried to bring his sword down again, but Ouki punched him in the elbow and thus locked up the arm. Ouki turned his spear around and smacked Harken's face with the grip. Unfazed, Harken grabbed the spear and thrust down his sword. Ouki pulled his spear from the man's grip and blocked the blow, but the force knocked him and his horse across the ground. He quickly drove his spear into the ground as they slid to stop their momentum and let his steed recover.

Every blow they dealt each other would have destroyed a lesser man. If anyone, even Moubu, had been at the receiving end of any of these, his weapon would have been shattered. If they even still lived, they would not have the strength to block again nor enough experience and skill to evade and retaliate. Their exchange started seconds ago, and already both the Qin and Zhao to watch it were gaping in shock. It was like they were watching a duel between titans. Any attempt to help would have been a waste of time.

Harken single-handedly killed twenty-thousand men and defeated the Royal Guard like they were children.

Ouki single-handedly fought a demon and reduced it to ash.

Ouki straightened himself on his perch. A small scratch bled from his cheek. Harken glared and said, "There is no need to hold back, Ouki. You should be much more capable than this."


Link pushed his way through the infantry as best he could to reach the front lines. He could appreciate the idea for the wounded to be in the back, but he wasn't ready to just wait around. So, pushed he did. There was fighting to both of his sides, and he heard the sounds of heavy battle ahead as well.

Link finally made it to the front line and stopped, stunned.

No one was fighting. Not one raised a sword or spear. Qin and Zhao were frozen where they stood, just looking at each other. Or rather, they were looking at the generals. There may have been fighting to the left and right, but this area was an oasis of peace for the men. Everyone was lost in the spectacle of two men dueling. It was a spectacle that Link was drawn into too. As much as Link wanted to fight, he suddenly came to a different conclusion entirely.

This duel was more important than the entire battle going on around them. This was the center and fate of the war. Whether Ouki won or Harken, it would decide everything. No matter how many men died around them, no matter how many died to reach this moment, everything that mattered was this duel.

Harken and Ouki rained blows on each other faster than Link could keep up with. He knew Harken was fast, fast enough to keep up while Link used his Gift, but now that he wasn't using it, the speed Harken moved at was impossible to see... And Ouki matched it with his spear. Blow upon blow they brought upon each other. Every strike, aimed to kill and destroy, was deflected by another attack. Yet even deflected, the two managed to tear at each other. A bit of clothing tore here, a scratch on armor made there, Harken's hair was cut, and Ouki's shoulder guard was cut.

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