Rebel's War - Ganondorf's Verdict

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-Mitagi Fortress, Great Hall-

Ganondorf raised his head as the door to the main hall opened. Behind it, the Majora stood on one side, and the Mitagi stood on the other. Both groups pointedly avoided looking at each other. There was a deep rift set between them, a rift created by a history of kings, demons, and betrayals. It was a rift that manifested itself in Ganondorf's being both literally and figuratively, in so far as how well he knew of his birth. Were the Great Bird of Qin there, he may have been able to keep the peace between them, but as it was, there was no other among the Mitagi who was ever respected by the Majora. And as if by the ironic hand of fate, it was because of his death that set them on this divided path, and it would have been his life that kept them appeased. Now, the only one among the Qin, the Majora, and Fae respected was the High Heir Apparent Zelda.

Ganondorf felt for the Zelda. She was a young one who had to determine who she would alienate. It was a pity, he thought. She was ambitious and with potential. He would have liked to see what she would become, but now he wondered if he would live to see the next day. And even if he did, he wondered if he would accept it. He didn't know. Living as a broken example of an adoptive father for Malon didn't appeal to him. Being a dishonored exile left him with no hope, and being a leader to a clan sat worse and worse in him. Leading a clan would only bring them down with him.

Through the door behind him entered the Heir Apparent of Qin. Her escort included a number of Mitagi guards plus Link. The doors closed, and out of the corner of Ganondorf's eye, he saw the Guardian Assassin watching from against a wall.

Zelda settled herself at the table in front of Ganondorf. She shared a brief whisper with Lord Geoffrey, and he nodded. She passed along a paper, and upon reading it, his eyebrows lifted in surprise. He looked back at Zelda, and she nodded.

Following this silent exchange, Zelda rose to her feet and said, "I thank the Mitagi for their hospitality, and the Majora for trusting in me. You have both given me much to think about, and so I have deeply pondered the nature of justice and mercy this night. Justice requires not equal payment for a crime, but increased payment to set an example for others. This can even mean a punishment many times greater than the crime. In this way, fear of the law is created so the people may not trespass. In reverse, mercy is the same. It will spare all debt from a crime, even in an extreme case, so as to show understanding, gentleness, and offer hope or a second chance. I have also considered the ones to whom punishment truly belongs. I have considered how some are punished for no fault while those who should be are ignored."

Zelda took a deep breath while the scrolls were handed out to the people. "For the heresy of creating a demon, the punishment from the divine is not one I can ignore. The punishment can only be death."

Ganondorf closed his eyes. So this was it for him, he thought. Death. He couldn't argue. She was right. Monsters were hunted by the Majora, and he was now chief among them.

"So my decision is of multiple things. First, the Dragmire clan shall not be faulted for the actions of their elders any longer. Death, humiliation, and slavery has been their punishment for these past twenty years. I would say that not only have they suffered enough for a crime only a few conspired to, but there are now those who are being born into this punishment... including Lord Ganondorf Dragmire.

"I say that all Dragmire slaves across Qin shall be gathered to the Majora and freed. Naturally, if a Dragmire committed a crime outside of the summoning of a demon, they will still be held accountable. But I judge all Dragmire, save for the elders, innocent."

Ganondorf slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head towards Zelda. He could barely express his shock. All around him, the Mitagi and Majora also grew amazed, but with wide eyes and gaping jaws.

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